Emotional Quotient

What is high EQ

When emotional intelligence (EQ) initially became popular, it acted as the missing link in the strange discovery that some people with average IQs beat those with the highest IQs 70% of the time. Decades of study now point to emotional intelligence as the primary characteristic that distinguishes great performers from the pack. The link is so strong that 90 percent of top performers have a high EQ level.

As a result, persons with average IQs also have high EQ. Emotional intelligence is the elusive "something" in each of us. It has an impact on how we regulate our behavior, traverse social complexity, and make personal decisions in order to attain positive outcomes. 

Check out your EQ by https://www.iq-test.net/eq-test.html

Your EQ, unlike your IQ, is very changeable. When you train your brain by regularly exercising new emotionally intelligent actions, it creates the neural connections necessary for them to become habits. The following are frequent indications (studied and surveyed) of persons who have a high EQ and achieve specific levels of success in life.

18 Signs that you have a high EQ

1. You have a wide range of emotional expressions

Emotions are felt by everyone, but only a few people can correctly recognize them as they happen. According to our research, only 36% of people can accomplish this, which is problematic since labelled emotions are frequently misconstrued, leading to illogical decisions and harmful behaviors.

People with high EQ master their emotions because they understand them and employ a large vocabulary of emotions to do so. While many individuals characterize their feelings as "terrible," emotionally savvy people can specify whether they are "irritable," "frustrated," "downtrodden," or "anxious." The more detailed your wording, the more insight you will have into how you are feeling, what is causing it, and what you should do about it.

2. You are interested in other people

Emotionally intelligent individuals are inquisitive about everyone around them, whether they are introverted or extroverted. This interest is the result of empathy, which is one of the most important gates to a high EQ. The more you care about other people and what they're going through, the more you'll be interested in them.

3. You are aware of your own advantages and shortcomings and demonstrate humility 

Emotionally intelligent individuals not only understand emotions, but they also know what they are excellent at and what they are bad at. They also understand who gets on their nerves and the surroundings (both situations and people) that allow them to flourish. A high EQ indicates that you are aware of your own talents and know how to leverage them to your advantage while minimizing your flaws.

Many individuals nowadays regard humility as a sign of weakness. Those with emotional intelligence, on the other hand, appreciate humility. They are quick to take criticism and use it to help them improve. They understand that being modest does not imply a lack of self-confidence or a refusal to speak up for their beliefs or values. Rather, it entails admitting that they don't know everything and being open to learning from others.

4. You have an excellent sense of character 

Much of emotional intelligence is based on social awareness; the capacity to read other people, comprehend what they're about, and what they're going through. With practice, this talent will elevate you to the level of an excellent character judge. You are not a stranger to people. You understand what they're all about and their goals, even if they're concealed under the surface.

5. It's tough to insult you

It's tough for someone to say or do something that irritates you if you know who you are. Emotionally intelligent people are self-assured and open-minded, which results in a thick skin. You can even make fun of yourself or allow others to make fun of you since you can mentally draw the line between comedy and humiliation. 

Emotionally intelligent persons with a high level of self-awareness can listen to a situation without reacting with judgment. They do not discard ideas just because they are different from their own. As a result, they are a popular go-to person when there is a problem, an issue, or a challenge.

6. You let go of past mistakes 

Emotionally intelligent people separate themselves from their errors but not forget them. They are able to adapt and modify for future success by keeping their blunders at a safe distance yet still close enough to refer to. 

Walking the narrow line between dwelling and remembering necessitates improved self-awareness. Dwelling on your mistakes for too long makes you nervous and fearful, while totally forgetting about them forces you to repeat them. The capacity to turn setbacks into nuggets of progress is the key to finding equilibrium. This promotes the tendency to get straight back up after falling down.

Those who have real emotional intelligence strive to learn from their errors. They examine their behavior, identify their triggers, and build the habits required to properly manage their emotions.

7. You don't harbor grudges

The unpleasant feelings associated with harboring a grudge are a stress reaction. Even thinking about the incident triggers your body's fight-or-flight response, a survival mechanism that compels you to stand up and fight or flee when confronted with a threat. When the threat is near, this reaction is critical to your life; but, when the threat has passed, hanging onto that tension wreaks havoc on your body and can have long-term health effects. 

In fact, Emory University researchers discovered that holding onto stress relates to high blood pressure and heart disease.Holding a grudge indicates you're holding on to tension, which emotionally savvy individuals avoid at all costs. Letting go of a grudge not only makes you feel better now, but it can also benefit your health in the long run. 

Negative criticism has a high likelihood of causing upset sentiments. Recognizing this, emotionally savvy people rephrase criticism as constructive feedback so that the recipient perceives it as beneficial rather than hurtful.

8. You deal with poisonous individuals

Most individuals find dealing with challenging people to be stressful and tiring. Individuals with a high EQ manage their encounters with toxic people by keeping their emotions under check. When confronted with a poisonous individual, they tackle the issue logically. 

They recognize their own feelings and refuse to let anger or irritation feed the turmoil. They also take the problematic person's point of view into account and are able to discover answers and common ground. Even when everything goes wrong, emotionally intelligent individuals can take the poisonous person with a grain of salt and avoid allowing him or her to pull them down.

9. You don't strive for perfection

Emotionally intelligent people will not aim for perfection since they understand that it does not exist. Human beings are, by definition, fallible. When you strive for perfection, you are constantly left with a nagging sensation of failure that makes you want to quit up or lessen your effort. Instead of going on, enthusiastic about what you've accomplished and what you'll do in the future, you wind up bemoaning what you didn't accomplish and what you could have done better.

Instead, you actively seek out input. We're all meant to appreciate feedback, to thrive on it, to grow ever healthier on a healthy mix of official and informal constructively critical feedback. But, to be honest, if you aren't emotionally intelligent, you probably don't have the stomach for it. You'll claim you enjoy it because you know you should. You, on the other hand, do not. And, most of the time, you don't accept or trust it.

10. You cut in line

Taking frequent time away from technology is an indication of a high EQ since it allows you to manage your stress and live in the moment. When you make yourself accessible to your work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you expose yourself to a continual bombardment of stress. Forcing yourself to go offline, and even — gasp! — shutting off your phone, offers your body and mind a rest.

 An email break, for example, has been found in studies to reduce stress levels. Technology allows for continual contact and the expectation that you be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is incredibly difficult to have a stress-free period away from work when an e-mail may interrupt your train of thought and get you thinking (read: worrying) about work at any time

On the other hand, if you are emotionally intelligent, you are grounded enough to understand that true self-awareness cannot be simply inside-out; it must also be outside-in. When Socrates stated that the unexamined life was not worth living, he didn't just mean that you should examine yourself; he also meant that you should study what others thought and felt about you. The emotionally intelligent realize that what others believe, feel, or experience about you is essential to comprehend, investigate, and absorb.. 

11. You limit your caffeine intake

Caffeine use in excess causes the release of adrenaline, which is the source of the fight-or-flight response. The fight-or-flight reaction bypasses logical thought in favor of a quicker response to ensure survival. This is useful when a bear is following you, but not when you're responding to a harsh e-mail. 

Caffeine causes your brain and body to become hyper-aroused, causing your emotions to take over your conduct. Caffeine's extended half-life ensures that you stay this way since it takes its sweet time leaving your body. Caffeine is a problem for people with high EQ, and they don't allow it to get the best of them.

12. You get adequate rest

Those with high emotional intelligence understand that they do not need to comprehend every sensation as they experience it, nor do they need to analyse every incident as it occurs; they know when to relax. 

Rather, they seek a deeper knowledge when it is advantageous. When not, simply enjoy the moment. It's impossible to overestimate the value of sleep in developing emotional intelligence and managing stress. 

When you sleep, your brain actually recharges, going through the events of the day and storing or rejecting them (which produces dreams) so that you wake up awake and clear-headed. When people with high EQ don't get enough  or the proper sort of sleep, their self-control, concentration, and memory suffer. As a result, they prioritize sleep.

13. You put a halt to negative self-talk

The longer you dwell on negative ideas, the more strength they get. The majority of our negative ideas are simply that: thoughts, not realities. When something seems to happen all the time or never, this is simply your brain's natural inclination to detect dangers (inflating the frequency or severity of an event). Emotionally intelligent people separate their emotions from facts in order to break the cycle of negativity and progress toward a more positive, fresh viewpoint.

14. You will not allow anyone to limit your happiness 

When you get your sense of pleasure and fulfillment from the views of others, you are no longer the master of your own happiness. When emotionally intelligent individuals feel good about what they've done, they won't let others' comments or nasty remarks detract from that feeling. 

While you can't turn off your reactions to what others think of you, you don't have to compare yourself to others, and you can always accept other people's opinions with a grain of salt. That way, regardless of what other people say or do, your self-worth originates from inside.

15. You are empathy  

Emotionally intelligent people strive hard to view things through the perspective of others rather than categorizing them or freezing them in time. They listen without making judgements. Instead, they listen in order to comprehend, which leads to deeper, more connected connections. 

Holding on to anger is like leaving a knife in a wound. While the offender gets on with their life, you never allow yourself to recover. However, emotionally savvy people move on by forgiving and forgetting, preventing others from keeping their feelings captive.

16. You are good listeners

Great listening necessitates the development of a listening framework that separates facts from interpretations, responses, and conclusions. People with emotional intelligence can detect the feelings that prevent them from listening. They've worked hard to separate themselves from those feelings in order to remain open and able to hear what's actually being stated.

You actively listen. There are far too many of us who are poor listeners! We don't even try to listen in order to comprehend. We just listen in order to respond. And, more often than not, we utilize the time the other person is speaking to organize our thoughts for our response. But the emotionally savvy among us understand that there are few things more fascinating than being carefully listened to. 

So they make direct eye contact with the person speaking; they pay close attention to the words and clearly evaluate the meaning and intent behind those words. The result is an encounter in which the speaker feels heard, appreciated, and understood, and the communication quality is greatly enhanced.

17. You apologize when you know you are wrong

When you recognize you are incorrect, you immediately say sorry. People with high emotional intelligence don't waste time attempting to show they're right. Instead of making excuses, they provide a straightforward, honest apology that allows them to swiftly get back on track. This is what it sounds like: "I'm sorry I messed up and used words that made it appear as though I was assaulting you. This was not my intention. Can we try once more?" 

18. You are thoughtfulness

You select your words with care. When you are emotionally intelligent, you understand that if you do not accept responsibility for what you say and how you say it, you might do irreparable, unintentional harm. But do you actually do this? Because when you accept responsibility, you realize how careful you have to be about what you say, because others (as well as yourself) can hold you accountable. 

It is also true that if you accept responsibility for what you say, you will be more emotionally honest and have more discussions that represent your beliefs and what is important to you. As a result, the more emotionally sophisticated you are, the more cautious you are with what you say.

You can check your EQ by https://www.iq-test.net/eq-test.html