Emotional Quotient

Definition of EQ test

EQ test stands for Emotional Quotient Test, defined as the test to assess the actual emotional 'ability' of a person, which is the ability to capture and track one's own feelings and that of others, to distinguish between different emotions, and use that emotional information to engage in appropriate behavior.

Nevertheless, the research and these accomplishments have been heavily attacked in the scientific world, despite the fact that individuals have begun to have differing opinions on this emotional index as more papers and studies on EQ have been published.

To the present day, EI and Goleman's research have gradually shown that they are right, as EQ has increasingly verified the relevance of their indicators and people increasingly value EQ over indicators. 

The EQ test is a measure of three abilities: emotional observation, emotional analysis, emotional understanding, and emotional control.  The EQ incorporates intellect, empathy, and emotion to improve interpersonal motivational thinking and comprehension.

That is why the EQ score is sometimes referred to as emotional intelligence - natural emotions are managed and evaluated by intellect to produce positive behaviors.

Check out your EQ by https://www.iq-test.net/eq-test.html

To be understood in more detail, EQ reflects a person's ability to empathize with others:

1. Identify, evaluate, control and express emotions one's own emotions;

2. Perceive, and assess others' emotions;

3. Use emotions to facilitate thinking, understand emotional meanings.

People frequently obsess over their own IQ tests or other metrics, and they overlook the importance of knowing their own EQ test. It's like knowing you can accurately evaluate and capture other people's emotions, or that you can manage your own. People are just as inquisitive about the EQ as they are about the IQ, therefore a series of questions are asked, and let's discover the most thorough response! 

The measurement of EQ is relatively simple; you may immediately measure this EQ through the internet using the EQ test. These EQ tests frequently consist of multiple-choice questions that assess your emotional intelligence depending on your responses. The highest possible score is 200, although these EQ tests do not perfectly match findings.

If you want to evaluate the most accurate EQ straight from the start, the EQ index must create the most accurate questions using the correct EQ scale. You may then correctly collect results regarding your EQ. You can also participate in extracurricular activities, where there are many activities that are arranged to assess people's performance in these activities.

There are 5 EQ tests that correspond to the test of intelligence traits as follows:

1. Anxious or relaxed

Choose which of the following assertions, on a scale of 15, you most agree with or is most appropriate to yourself. In each of the 25 statements, select just one of the numbers 15. Choose 5 for the most agreeable=most appropriate, and 1 for the least agreeable=least relevant. 

2. Extrovert or introvert

Answer each question or statement by selecting the most relevant of the three possible replies provided. There are 25 questions, each with three answers. 

3. Optimist or pessimist

Choose which of the following assertions, on a scale of 15, you most agree with or is most appropriate to yourself. In each of the 25 statements, select just one of the numbers 15. Choose 5 for the most agreeable=most appropriate, and 1 for the least agreeable=least relevant. 

4. Self-confidence

Answer each question or statement by selecting the most relevant of the three possible replies provided.

5. Tough or tender

Choose which of the following assertions, on a scale of 15, you most agree with or is most appropriate to yourself. In each of the 25 statements, select just one of the numbers 15. Choose 5 for the most agreeable=most appropriate, and 1 for the least agreeable=least relevant. 

Check out your EQ by https://www.iq-test.net/eq-test.html

The EQ test Scale

Emotional intelligence is a concept that is difficult to quantify. We can't just pick up a block of emotional intelligence and scale it; instead, we need to develop questions that reliably tap into this idea by some EQ test scales.

Scales, as data collection instruments, quantify an abstract notion. The discrepancy in scale measurement reflects a difference in the concept's intensity or strength. 

Many emotional intelligence measures are scales that assess the strength of a notion.

1. Salovey and Mayer’s model 

Schutte and colleagues (1998) created an emotional intelligence scale based on the concept proposed by Salovey and Mayer in 1990. Sixty-two elements were discovered to be accurate representations of Salovey and Mayer's model dimensions (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden, & Dornheim, 1998). 

This 33-item scale was developed as a result of a factor analysis of findings from a survey of 346 individuals.

2. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue)

Dr. K. V. Petrides created the TEIQue, which is freely available for academic and clinical study (CREIO, 2018). 

The full-form has 153 items that assess 15 different aspects, 4 components, and global trait EI. The short-form is a 30-item test that was derived from the full-form TEIQue and evaluates global trait EI (CREIO, 2018). 

Based on correlations with matching total facet scores, two items from each of the 15 facets of the full-form TEIQue were chosen for inclusion.

This questionnaire – the TEIQue 360° and 360° Short-form – is also provided to obtain ratings from spectators (CREIO, 2018). Dr. Stella Mavroveli also created the TEIQue Child-form, which is appropriate for children aged 8 to 12. 

This questionnaire has 75 items that are scored on a 5-point scale and examines the nine unique aspects of trait EI in children (CREIO, 2018).

3. Wong’s Emotional Intelligence Scale (WEIS)

This is a self-report EI scale intended for Chinese respondents (CREIO, 2018). It is based on the previously described four ability aspects that comprise EI. It is divided into two parts: 

The first section has 20 situations. Respondents select the choice that most closely matches the reaction they are most likely to have in each scenario given (CREIO, 2018) 

The second section consists of 20 ability pairs. Respondents must choose one of two categories of talents that best represent their strength (CREIO, 2018).

4. The Work Group Emotional Intelligence Profile (WEIP)

The WEIP is intended to assess two dimensions of EI: the capacity to cope with one's own emotions (measured by scale one, which has 18 items) and the ability to deal with the emotions of others (measured by scale two, which has 12 things) (CREIO, 2018). 

Scales 1 and 2 each include five subscales. The EI of a team is determined by averaging the WEIP scores of all team members. 

As you can see, while EI is important in the workplace, employers and team leaders have a few evaluations to select from that quantify EI.

5. The Queendom Emotional Intelligence Test

The Queendom EI Test includes an overview of EI, an overall score, an assessment of a variety of scales, and guidance - suggestions customized to an individual's results. 

The  scales are as follows: 

  • Emotional competences - this scale assesses the capacity to detect one's emotions as well as comfort with emotional expression and emotional circumstances or individuals. Emotional introspection, emotional control, and emotional integration are also examined on the emotional competence measure. (2019, Queendom)
  • Social competences - assesses a person's adaptability and social awareness. It investigates the domain of conflict – specifically, conflict resolution knowledge and conflict resolution behavior. Empathy, adaptability, and the ability to read body language are also considered on the social competency scale (Queendom, 2019). 
  • Drive focuses on goal - setting, striving, self-motivation, and self-awareness, all of which are components of EI.
  • Stress management - this scale examines coping abilities, emotional selectivity (in terms of size), and emotional selectivity (in regards to precision). The stress management scale also assesses resilience, flexibility, and satisfaction. It examines a person's optimistic mentality, excessive rumination, and the congruence of their actions with their beliefs (Queendom, 2019). 
  • Self-esteem, self-confidence, and assertiveness are all measured on the self-esteem scale. It also examines self-efficacy and the need for acceptance (Queendom, 2019).

3 Fascinating Components and Theories of EQ Test

Today there are many different EQ tests as well as EQ scales. This is because there have been many theories and studies about emotional index or in other words, the proposed number of components of EQ differs between theories. 

 1. Mayer and Salovey’s integrative emotional intelligence model

The paradigm of Mayer and Salovey’s (1997) conceptualizes EQ as measurable talents that do not rely on self-perceived EQ evaluations. 

The integrated model proposed by Mayer and Salovey includes four interrelated emotional abilities: 

  1. Perception and expression of emotion: Observing your own emotions and picking up on the feeling of others as well as the capacity to distinguish between discrete emotions.
  2. Using emotion to facilitate thought: How you incorporate emotions into your thought processes as well as a knowledge of when and how emotions may aid with reasoning processes.
  3.  Emotional comprehension and analysis: The ability to interpret emotions, comprehend their significance, and comprehend how they interact with one another and change through time.
  4. Emotion control through reflection: An openness to all emotions, as well as the capacity to control your own and others' emotions, to promote growth and understanding.

2. Bar-On’s model of social and emotional intelligence: 

According to Bar-On's(1997, 2006) mixed model, EQ is a set of competences, abilities, and "facilitators" that influence how people express themselves, respond to difficulties in their environment, and interact with others. 

Bar-On (2006) suggests that ten different components offer the framework for emotionally and socially intelligent behaviors:

  1. Self-regard;
  2. Emotional awareness;
  3. Assertiveness;
  4. Empathy;
  5. Interpersonal relationships;
  6. Stress tolerance;
  7. Impulse control;
  8. Reality testing;
  9. Flexibility;
  10. Problem solving.

Self-actualization, independence, social responsibility, optimism, and happiness were originally considered to be components of EQ but were later reframed as “facilitators” of EQ (Bar-On, 2006).

3.  Goleman’s theory of EQ test

In his well regarded book Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman (1995) popularized the notion of emotional intelligence. Check out his TED presentation on the art of emotion management. 

Goleman (1995, p. xii) defines EQ talents broadly, encompassing self-control, enthusiasm and tenacity, and the ability to drive oneself.  According to Goleman (2001), EQ is an indicator of an individual's "potential" for acquiring emotional competences (i.e., practical abilities) that might help them flourish at work. 

You can check your EQ by https://www.iq-test.net/eq-test.html

His original theory mapped emotional intelligence into five key domains:

  1. Knowing your emotions;
  2. Managing emotions;
  3. Motivating oneself;
  4. Recognizing emotions in others;
  5. Handling relationships.

Jobs that require the EQ test before hiring

Employers value candidates with high levels of Emotional Intelligence. As the importance of EI grows, certain occupations are designed specifically for individuals with high Emotional Intelligence.

  • Surgeons and doctors;

  • Nurses and caregivers;

  • Emergency Medical Services staff and paramedics;

  • Police;

  • Front-line journalists for print, digital and TV media;

  • Advertising experts;

  • Lawyers;

  • Military engineers;

  • Charity and relief workers;

  • Teachers;

  • Customer Service staff;

  • Fashion designers and other fine arts jobs.

The EQ test assesses your ability to create relationships and your understanding of emotions. Having high emotional intelligence demonstrates how you can resolve disputes and ease coworkers' anxieties when they are dissatisfied or disappointed. Some companies may utilize the Berke exam to evaluate your emotional abilities to see whether they are appropriate for the position you apply for.

A few skills that can be revealed during your EQ test include:

  • Teamwork

Employees with strong collaboration abilities can achieve success if they can collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds and personalities. Working with your team increases your chances of meeting your objectives and being promoted to a higher-level position.

  • Adaptability

Adaptability demonstrates your ability to adjust in order to suit the current needs of your organization. For example, if you're a project manager and a customer needs to change a project's deadline, you'll need to reprioritize your activities to match their expectations.

  • Empathy

Empathy is the ability to comprehend the emotions of another in a particular circumstance. This characteristic demonstrates that you are empathetic and eager to assist coworkers in improving their thinking and achieving their goals.

The difference between EQ test and IQ test

Today, when it comes to IQ test and EQ test, many people simply think of multiple choice tests and transcripts upon completion. Many individuals confuse EQ with IQ or believe that getting a high score in one of the two tests will automatically result in a high score in the other. However, the two EQ and IQ tests have very little in common. Below is the comparison chart about IQ test and EQ test (by iqtestA.com)


EQ test

IQ test

Stands for

Emotional Quotient (emotional intelligence) test

Intelligence Quotient test


Emotional quotient test (EQ) or emotional intelligence is a test to check the ability to identify, assess and control the emotions of oneself, of others and of groups.

An intelligence quotient test (IQ) is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess intelligence


Identify, evaluate, control and express emotions one’s own emotions, use emotions to facilitate thinking, understand emotional meanings.

Ability to learn, understand and apply information to skills, logical, reasoning, word comprehension, math skills, abstract and spatial thinking, filter irrelevant information.


Teamwork, leadership, successful relations, service orientation, initiative, collaboration.

Success with challenging tasks, ability to analyze and connect the dots, research and development


Leaders, team-layers, individuals who best work alone individuals with social challenges

Highly capable or gifted individuals, individuals with mental challenges and special needs.


1985, Wayne Payne’s doctoral thesis:” A study of emotion: developing emotional intelligence” Popular use came in Daniel Goleman’s 1995 book :emotional intelligence, why it can matter more than IQ”

1883, English statistician Francis Galton;s paper “Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development” First application came in French psychologist Alfred Binet’s 1905 test to assess school children in France.

Popular Tests

Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Test (emotional based problem-solving tasks) Daniel Goleman model Score (based on emotional competencies)

Stanford-Binet test, Wechsler; Woodcock –Johnson tests of cognitive abilities.

You can check your EQ by <<<https://www.iq-test.net/eq-test.html>>>