Emotional Quotient

Definition of average EQ

An average EQ score goes from 90 to 110, with a perfect score of 160. Those who perform well on this exam are more likely to make an attempt to understand and sympathize with others. Those with lower-than-average EQ scores can improve their emotional intelligence by learning to control their negative emotions. 

In other words, an EQ of 90 to 110 is considered average, below 90 is considered low, and beyond 110 is considered high. Scores in the average range suggest that the responder performs effectively in that category, handling circumstances and fulfilling environmental expectations.

When compared to the hundreds of people who have taken the EQ test, above-average results suggest excellent functioning. A high score implies that the individual is well-developed, strong, and efficient in the component being tested at the time. 

Below-average ratings suggest that the person might perform better in fulfilling environmental needs right now. Low scores indicate abilities that need to be addressed in order to enhance overall functioning and chances of success.

A noteworthy point is that unlike IQ, there is presently no precise data on who has the highest EQ, however you may totally calculate your own EQ by using some EQ tests. 

To return to the EQ test, in order to determine if you have a high or low EQ, you must complete EQ tests to obtain precise values for yourself. Taking multiple-choice emotional intelligence tests is not to seek for errors or to misinterpret errors for failures, but to better understand ourselves. There have been advancements in both business and life since then.

The effects of EQ based on average EQ

Many families, schools, and businesses now let their children/students/employees take EQ tests to measure their emotional and behavioral levels at work and in life. The average EQ, the worldwide scale stated above, is used to assess the outcomes of this test. 

As a result, today's EQ scores have an influence on global people' daily lives and jobs:

  • EQ is responsible for 58 percent of professional success, regardless of job type – EQ is one of the most important workplace abilities that  a worker could have. It is the biggest and most important predictor of performance, and it is the foundation for a number of other important abilities like as time management, communication, and customer service.

  • Only 20% of low achievers have strong emotional intelligence, while 90% of elite performers have high emotional intelligence — You're more likely to be a high performer if you're emotionally sophisticated. Given this fact, someone with a low EQ score has a slim chance of becoming a high performer. Unless, of course, they put forth a concerted effort to improve their emotional intelligence.

  • People with high emotional intelligence make $29,000 more per year than those with low EQ ( in a survey in Europe) – People who do well get compensated more, and there is a clear relationship between pay and emotional intelligence. A person's annual pay can be increased by $1300 for every percentage point improvement in EQ. This applies to all industries, locations, and levels.

  • Even the brightest of the smart benefit greatly from high levels of emotional intelligence, according to a 40-year study of PhDs at UC Berkeley that revealed EQ was 400 percent more potent than IQ in predicting who will succeed in their area. 

  • PepsiCo performed an internal study revealing that managers with highly developed emotional intelligence skills outperformed yearly revenue targets by 15-20 percent, while managers with low emotional intelligence underperformed at the same rate — Emotionally intelligent leaders possess qualities that drive their teams to consistently exceed expectations. Leaders who lack emotional intelligence, on the other hand, regularly underperform.

According to another survey from Dr. Jean Greaves, co-author of the bestselling Emotional Intelligence 2.0., after attending human resources and other related conferences this year, they noticed that HR professionals expressed a particular interest in EQ–so we decided to take a closer look at what EQ looks like within the HR industry. They  discovered several noteworthy EQ trends after reviewing industry data:

Among the industries reported, HR has the highest average EQ score (Average EQ = 76)

  • HR has the highest yearly salary gain when EQ scores rise ($2,809 per EQ point). For human resources professionals, firm size, age, EQ skill, and job level all play a role. 

  • HR departments at large corporations may benefit from some EQ assistance. HR professionals who work for firms with more than 500 employees score lower (Average EQ = 72) than those who work for smaller companies (Average EQ = 77).

  • Younger HR workers may be able to improve their EQ. HR professionals under the age of 40 had lower EQ (Average EQ = 73) than those 40 and older (Average EQ = 78). 

  • HR professionals must be self-managing. Scores in the HR field are greatest in social awareness but lowest in self-management, one of the EQ abilities important to job success for human resources workers.

  • HR managers may help their employees improve their emotional intelligence (EQ). HR employees, supervisors, and managers had lower EQ (Average EQ = 73, 74, and 70, respectively) than upper-level HR executives (Average EQ = 79). The good news is that EQ abilities can be enhanced, and HR directors are well-positioned to do so. The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal, which may be utilized for an EQ development program or as a topic of conversation in a one-on-one coaching session, is a wonderful place to start.

The impact EQ has within organizations is nothing short of dramatic. And these numbers only begin to scratch the surface of what we know about emotional intelligence and its benefits.But the most important fact about EQ is that it can be improved and developed. While a person’s IQ generally remains static throughout life, an individual’s EQ can be enhanced. 

This is good news for leaders who want to sharpen their emotional intelligence to gain a competitive edge and perform exceptionally well. It also means that leaders can employ tactics to make their team members more emotionally intelligent, as well.

How do EQ scores differ around the world?

Between 2009 and 2011, Gallup conducted telephone and in-person interviews with around 1,000 individuals aged 15 and older in each country as part of a study of more than 150 countries. 

Residents were asked if they had experienced a lot of 10 distinct emotions the day before, including five negative emotions (anger, tension, melancholy, physical pain, and anxiety) and five good feelings (feeling well-rested, smiling and laughing a lot, being treated with respect, enjoyment, and learning or doing something interesting).

Although this is not an accurate survey of the average EQ score results among countries around the world, based on this survey, we can also see the Philippines topped the emotional rankings, with 60% of its inhabitants reporting that they experience these 10 feelings often on a daily basis.

 El Salvador came in second place, followed by Bahrain, Oman, Colombia, Chile, and Costa Rica. The United States came in 15th place, with 54 percent of inhabitants reporting that they experience a mix of negative and good emotions on a regular basis.

The 15 most emotional countries based on the same answers:

  1. Philippines: 60%;

  2. El Salvador: 57%;

  3. Bahrain: 56%;

  4. Oman: 55%;

  5. Colombia: 55%;

  6. Chile: 54%;

  7. Costa Rica: 54%;

  8. Canada: 54%;

  9. Guatemala: 54%;

  10. Bolivia: 54%;

  11. Ecuador: 54%;

  12. Dominican Republic: 54%;

  13. Peru: 54%;

  14. Nicaragua: 54%;

  15. United States: 54.

Here are the 10 least emotional countries based on the percentage of respondents who answered "Yes" when asked whether they experienced a range of either positive or negative emotions daily:

  1. Singapore: 36 (percent)

  2. Georgia: 37

  3. Lithuania: 37

  4. Russia: 38

  5. Madagascar: 38

  6. Ukraine: 38

  7. Belarus: 38

  8. Kazakhstan: 38

  9. Nepal: 38

  10. Kyrgyzstan: 38

While countries with the greatest levels of negative emotions have experienced economic difficulties, riots, and revolutions, Gallup analysts believe that merely increasing wealth may not be the solution. Despite having one of the lowest unemployment rates and one of the greatest gross domestic product  (GDP) per capita rates in the world, Singaporeans rarely feel happy emotions. 

Singapore leadership must explore methods that go beyond the traditional constraints of basic economics and would be wise to integrate well-being in its overall strategies if it wants to further enhance the lives of its citizens,-  Gallup officials write in a statement.

While the United States has the most GDP per capita, the Gallup study from 2010 revealed that the country ranks No. 16 for overall well-being and No. 26 for pleasure, often known as pleasant emotions. 

A representative sample of more than 136,000 participants from 132 countries were questioned between 2005 and 2006 for the study, which was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. According to Gallup, the latest survey has a margin of error of 0.4 to 3.8 percentage points.

Overall EQ Trends

From the research Dr. Jean Greaves and her team have summarized the EQ trend based on the average EQ score for each individual as follows:

  • 90%  of great achievers have a high EQ. Working professionals with high performance ratings also have high emotional intelligence ratings. There are significant outliers, but don't be misled by the stories. Only 10% of the highest achievers in our database have a low EQ. 

  • Only 20% of bad performers have a high EQ. This may seem obvious, yet it is worth emphasizing.

  • EQ alone accounts for 58 percent of a leader's job performance. This may appear odd at first, but it is explained by a few crucial elements. Before being promoted to the C-suite, these executives had previously gone through a rigorous screening procedure that eliminated a broad range of variability in the persons chosen for leadership posts. For persons in comparable positions in the same field, factors such as education, competence, and years of experience tend to seem quite similar. What makes the actual difference is how individuals conduct themselves and what they can do via others. Their EQ abilities, not their IQ, make a major difference in their work success. 

The average EQ is 75 points. The average EQ score on the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal across all sectors and occupations is 75 on a 100-point scale.