Many people need some time to come to terms with who they are and who they're becoming. A better understanding of their own sexual feelings and the people they are attracted to is one aspect of that.
In this article, we define a few sexual orientations and talk about what sexuality is. We also give directions to clinics and support groups so that people can find them.
I. Introduction about Sexual Orientation
1. Sexual Orientation Definition
The term Sexual Orientation can be defined as a person's pattern of emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to people of a particular gender.
Our sexuality plays a significant role in who we are as people. Beyond the capacity to procreate, sexuality shapes our self-perception and our physical interactions with others.
a. How Is Sexual Orientation Determined?
The majority of scientists concur that a combination of environmental, emotional, hormonal, and biological factors contribute to sexual orientation, including homosexuality and bisexuality. In other words, a person's sexual orientation can be influenced by a variety of factors, some of which may be unique to each individual.
The way parents raise their children or something that happened to them when they were young does not cause homosexuality or bisexuality. Additionally, being gay or bisexual does not imply that a person has a mental illness or is otherwise abnormal. They could be burdened by prejudices or misunderstandings held by others.
b. Is it Possible to Change Sexual Orientation?
According to experts, sexual orientation cannot be changed and is not a choice. To avoid discrimination from others or shame they may have been taught to feel about their sexuality, some homosexual or bisexual people choose to conceal their sexual orientation.
It is ineffective and potentially harmful to try to change someone to have a heterosexual orientation, including through so-called conversion therapy. Experts advise against doing this. It is actually deemed "clinically and ethically inappropriate" by the American Medical Association.
2. Sexual Orientation and Sexual Identity
You are a combination of your sexual orientation and sexual identity. Your sexual preference for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both is referred to as your sexual orientation. The term you might use to identify yourself as a sexual being is sexual identity.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex are collectively known as LGBTI+.
Sexual identity is distinct from sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation refers to the people you are emotionally, romantically, and sexually drawn to. It's not the same as sexual identity. Sexual identity refers to who you ARE — male, female, genderqueer, etc. — rather than who you are attracted to.
As a result, being transgender—feeling as though the gender you identify with is very different from the sex you were assigned—is distinct from being gay, lesbian, or bisexual. What matters in sexual orientation is who you want to be with. The question of gender identity is personal.
Numerous identities are connected to sexual orientation, including:
- People who are attracted to a different gender, such as men or women who are drawn to women, frequently identify as straight or heterosexual.
- The terms "gay" or "homosexual" are frequently used by people who are attracted to other people of the same gender. Lesbian may be preferred by gay women.
- People who have feelings for both men and women frequently identify as bisexuals.
- Pansexual or queer individuals are those who find themselves attracted to people of many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, genderqueer, intersex, etc.
- People who are unsure of their sexual orientation may describe themselves as curious or unsure.
- Those who don't feel any sexual attraction toward anyone commonly identify as asexuals.
Also noteworthy is the fact that some individuals feel none of these labels accurately describe them. Some people have strong opposition to the concept of labels. Some labels are acceptable to some people while not others. You get to choose how, if at all, you want to label yourself.
a. “ Come Out “
LGBTI+ people refer to their experience of self-discovery, self-acceptance, openness, and honesty about their LGBTI+ identity as "come out."
Coming out can be a difficult time, regardless of who you are or your circumstances. You might worry that your loved ones will reject you if they learn you are LGBTI+. Your mental health may be impacted by this.
Before choosing to tell others, most people are LGBTI+ for a while. Although it can be difficult, this can be a rewarding experience.
Most people feel happy that they chose to come out because they receive positive and encouraging feedback from family and friends.
b. Harassing or Bullying
LGBTI+ individuals may encounter bullying or harassment that is homophobic or transphobic.
Bullying of this nature can occur anywhere. For instance, a sports field, a workplace, a classroom, or your home. Being bullied can make you feel angry, unsafe, vulnerable, or threatened.
Physical, mental, and social suffering can result from bullying and harassment. It can make you feel isolated, afraid, furious, baffled, or depressed. Your mental health may be affected by all of these.
Speak with someone if you experience bullying or harassment. Speak with a friend, member of your family, a coworker, a counselor, or your doctor.
c. Relationship difficulties
Relationships can occasionally put people under pressure. You may experience pressure to act in ways you are unsure of or to pretend to be someone you are not. Your mental health may be impacted by this.
Finding time for your friends and family while working on a new relationship can be challenging. Maintaining your current friendships and family ties is crucial when you enter a relationship.
Your mental health may be negatively impacted by relationship breakups. It may elicit a variety of feelings.
You could feel:
- Anger;
- Sadness;
- Uncertainty regarding future;
- Isolation;
- Loneliness.
If you have children, divorce can be even harder. This is due to the fact that you also need to consider the effects on your kids. Your mental health may suffer as a result of finding it challenging to adapt to a new environment. Obtaining support is crucial to getting you through this trying time.
An LGBTI+ person who loses their partner might not receive the same response or level of support as a heterosexual person.
People might not comprehend how much your partner meant to you and how deeply you loved one another. People who identify as LGBTI+ may find it harder to move on after a breakup due to experiences like these.
Typically, sexual orientation falls into one of the following groups:
- Heterosexual: Being heterosexual means you're drawn to people of the other gender.
- Bisexual: Bisexuality is the attraction to genders that are either the same as or different from one's own.
- Homosexual: Attracted to people of the same gender as oneself
- Pansexual: homosexual being attracted to individuals of any gender identity
- Asexual: Not sexually attracted to other people
A person's feelings and sense of identity play a role in their sexual orientation; it's not always something that is obvious to others. Depending on the attraction, people may or may not take action.
1. Heterosexuality
People of the opposite sex are sexually or romantically attractive to heterosexuals. Both heterosexual men and heterosexual women have feelings for or are attracted to one another romantically or sexually.
Although many people identify as heterosexual, it's important to respect everyone's sexual orientation and the label they select. Those who primarily identify as heterosexual, for instance, may see changes in their sexual orientation over time. Others might classify themselves as heterosexual in terms of sexual attraction, but they might also develop romantic or emotional ties with people of the same sex.
The word "straight" is frequently substituted for the word "heterosexual." Additionally, you might hear the following terms:
- Heteronormative: This point of view advocates heterosexuality as the norm or as The preferred orientation over other sexual orientations.
- Heteroromantic: You only experience romantic attraction to the other sex when this happens.
- Homophobic ally: This heterosexual individual supports those who identify with different sexual orientations.
2. Bisexuality
Being bisexual involves being attracted to different genders. Bisexuals have feelings of sexual and/or romantic attraction for both members of their own gender and members of other genders.
Although this provides a straightforward definition, bisexuals are a diverse population. Different people have different perceptions of their sexual orientation. Some people might be attracted to both men and women equally, while others might be more drawn to one gender than the other.
An individual who identifies as bisexual may maintain a steady same-sex or heterosexual relationship or alternate between the two.
Pansexuality, which is the attraction to all genders, including cisgender, transgender, agender, non-binary, and other gender non-conforming people, is frequently confused with bisexuality. Although these definitions may appear to be very similar, there is a clear distinction. While pansexual refers to attraction to all genders, bisexual refers to attraction to several genders.
These concepts may be related to one another for many LGBTQ people. Although they may identify as bisexual, some people still have feelings of attraction for both sexes. The decision to identify as bisexual or pansexual largely depends on personal preference.
3. Homosexuality
The term "homosexuality" describes the attraction between individuals of the same sex. The word is derived from the Greek homos, which means "the same."
In contrast to gender identities like male, female, and non-binary, it is a sexual orientation. People who identify as homosexual may use the terms gay, lesbian, LGBTQ, queer, or a variety of other terms to describe themselves.
Different people experience same-sex attraction in different ways. In their teenage years, many gay people start to feel affection for their sexual partners. Finding your strongest attraction or developing the confidence to admit it to yourself and others can take some time. People have different types of sexual, romantic, and emotional feelings for other people at different times in their lives.
"Homosexuality" has many different synonyms because the word is no longer in use.
The most popular alternatives are "gay" or "lesbian." Lesbian denotes a woman who is attracted to another woman, while gay typically refers to a man who is attracted to another man. A person who is not heterosexual (attracted to the opposite sex) or cisgender is referred to as "queer" in a broad sense (having a gender identity that corresponds with their assigned birth gender). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning are collectively known as "LGBTQ." Instead of defining a single person, it typically refers to a group of people.
4. Pansexuality
Pansexuality is the attraction to people regardless of their gender on a romantic, emotional, or sexual level. Like everyone else, pansexuals may find some people more attractive than others, but it is irrelevant what gender the person is. Pansexuality is an identity that can and does exist for people of any gender. Although there are differences between the terms "bisexual" and "pansexual," some people use them interchangeably.
Rather than "pansexual," some prefer the term "omnisexual." Some individuals believe that the term "pansexuality" implies that their attraction to others is gender-neutral. Even though omnisexuals prefer to use the term, they can be attracted to people of any gender and still perceive gender as a factor in their attraction.
"Pan" and "omni" both mean "all," and it's difficult to tell omnisexuality from pansexuality. Some individuals interchangeably employ them.
5. Asexuality
Lack of sexual attraction to others or a lack of interest in sexual activity is known as being asexual. Asexuality is referred to as either an absence of sexual orientation or by some as their sexual orientation.
Asexual can also refer to a broad range of asexual sub-identities, including demisexuality, grey-A, queerplatonic, and many more. In terms of gender identity, asexual people can be cisgender, non-binary, transgender, or any other gender.
Asexual people frequently experience romantic, but not sexual, attraction to others. They might describe themselves as hetero, homo, bi, or pan-romantic. Others lack a romantic attraction to others because they are aromantic.
The term "ace" is preferred by some asexuals.
Who you are attracted to and want to be in relationships with determines your sexual orientation. Gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, and asexual are the different sexual orientations.
Take “ Lesbian “ as an example for your sexual orientation.
1. What is Lesbian?
A woman who is attracted to other women romantically and physically is referred to as a lesbian. An example of homosexuality is lesbianism.
The Code of Hammurabi, a Babylonian set of regulations from around 1700 B.C. that permitted women to marry one another, contains the first reference to lesbianism in historical texts.
2. Safety Recommendations and Particular Points
Lesbians are more likely than straight women to experience some health issues. For instance, despite having a higher risk of developing breast cancer, they are less likely to have a mammogram. Anyone who has breasts should discuss proper breast cancer screening with their doctor.
Lesbian couples are more likely to experience domestic violence, according to studies. Contrary to popular belief, there is significantly less intimate partner violence in the LGBTQ community.
Lesbians are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, which can result in conditions like cancer. They are also more likely to be obese, which increases the risk of developing diseases like heart disease.
Gynecologists and other sexual health professionals who don't comprehend the needs of the LGBTQ community may undertreat lesbian women. Many of these problems are a result of discrimination, which creates barriers to services like proper education about LGBTQ people, or are worsened by it.
3. Real-life example of “lesbian” sexual orientation
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi are a famous lesbian couple that the LGBT community in particular and everyone in general can feel inspired by. When Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi got married in August 2008, they broke down barriers, and their love story continues to motivate people.
The two of them first met in 2000 at a party, but it wasn't until 2004 that they started to develop deeper relationships. After VH1's Big in '04 awards show, they started dating, which gave de Rossi the self-assurance she needed to come out as gay.
Currently, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi are arguably Hollywood's most famous same-sex couple. The Emmy-winning The Ellen DeGeneres Show host and the actress best known for her work in Arrested Development and Scandal celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary this year. But getting to where they are now requires a lot of time.
Both DeGeneres and de Rossi connected immediately after their first social encounter. For de Rossi, it was actually love at first sight, she confessed to Oprah Winfrey during their first interview together as husband and wife. Their dream marriage has always touched many hearts and become an endless source of motivation and inspiration for LGBT people.
Not everybody is aware of their sexual orientation or how to identify it. You're not alone if you feel this way; it's a common feeling.
1. What is my sexual orientation?
Many people discover their sexual orientation in their teen or early adult years, frequently without having ever had a sexual experience. One might notice, for instance, that they tend to think and act sexually toward people of the same gender or both genders. However, one need not be homosexual or bisexual to harbor fantasies or be curious about those of the same sex. They might decide not to pursue those attractions.
From a very young age, people learn about their gender identity and sexual orientation based on how they feel. Even before birth, biological factors may shape a person's sexual orientation. Nowaday, people can get to know about their sexual orientation by a test or by a sexual orientation consultant .
2. Sexual Orientation Test
Contrary to what we might have been taught, sexuality is not rigid. Because sexuality is so difficult to understand, the sexual orientation test concentrates on categorizing you in order to make things simpler.
You can determine where you fall on the heterosexual, homosexual, allosexual, and asexual sexuality spectrum using any test you can find.
You should take a test if you're uncertain or simply curious about yourself. Sexual orientation tests often give questions about :
- Your attraction to the same/opposite sex.
- Some of your experiences with people from the same/opposite sex.
- Your curiosity with people from the same/different sex.
- Your group of friends, best friend's sexual orientation.
- Who you form sexual fantasies about.
- Who you desire to have sexual intercourse with.
- etc...
After a process of identifying, processing, and classifying your answers through the above series of questions, the tests will analyze your sexual orientation and classify you into a group with a high probability of sexual orientation to which you belong.
No online test for sexual orientation is consistently accurate and reliable. However, after approaching a large number of participants in gay and lesbian-related tests, online tests are confident that their findings have some basis in reality.
Being gay or straight isn't just for show, or to stand out from your peers on social media. Understanding it is a positive step in creating a more hospitable world because it is a very serious subject.
Why is the sexual orientation test important ?
Adolescent sexual development can be confusing and unsettling for both teenagers and their families. Many parents find the subject of their children's sexuality to be delicate, complicated, and even terrifying, but they should be patient and understanding. Sexual orientation and gender identity in teens are constantly changing and evolving. As this article has discussed throughout, the teenage maturation process frequently entails "putting on" and experimenting with different identities, roles, and behaviors. This type of experimentation encompasses both sexual orientation and behavior.
As long as their children are content and happy, some parents don't mind if their children have any gender identity or orientation. Consult experts if you think you need assistance.
Some books you should reach out to read if you are interested in Sexual Orientation topics.
1. Gay, Straight, and In-Between: The Sexology of Sexual Orientation by John Money.
In a field of belief that is frequently dominated by partisan and dogmatic theories held by people who are certain of the "truth" before the research begins, this book offers a truly scientific perspective. Money draws the conclusion that more research is needed, so the issue of the causes of homosexuality, heterosexuality, and bisexuality is still up for debate. His research focuses primarily on individuals who may have sexual ambiguity or other sexual issues. But comprehending these peculiar sex reactions might provide some insight into the more typical facets of adult sexuality.
The puzzling phenomenon of transsexuals who think they are the other sex is also covered in this book. Cross-dressing is also discussed, both as a costume for sex-scripts and for other purposes. There are no known hormonal variations that could explain the variety of sexual fantasies or sex scripts.
2. The Sexual Brain by Simon LeVay
The neuropsychologist Simon LeVay gained notoriety for a three-page paper that suggested that sexual orientation is caused by the size of a particular region of the hypothalamus. Women and gay men have smaller sizes of this part. This interpretation has been heard by millions of people. The full facts as they were known in the early 1990s are explained in this book, but only a small number of people have read it. One section of their hypothalami was typically as small as the same section of the average woman's brain, according to a small study of the brains of gay men who died of AIDS.
This book is a great summary of what is known about the hypothalamus in both animal and human brains. It clarifies how different brain structures impact sexual behavior in both animals and, possibly, humans. Animal sexual behavior is 'hard wired' into their brains, according to scientists. Every species has a stereotyped pattern of sexual behavior that must be passed down through the genetic code from generation to generation because it is the same in every member of the species. The author hopes to uncover biological explanations for variations in human sexual behavior, but none have surfaced.
3. Homosexualities by Stephen O. Murray
A comprehensive examination of all manifestations of homosexuality throughout time and space. Three types of homosexual relationships are categorized:
Homosexual relationships that are age-structured, such as those between older and younger men, where the age gap is a key component.
Gender-stratified homosexuality, in which one sex partner adopts characteristics of the other sex, such as a man dressing and acting more like a woman and having hair and speaking and using the same language as a woman. The sexual relationship includes this status as a quasi-woman.
Homosexual relationships in which both partners share the same sexual orientation.
The author has done an excellent job of gathering data from obscure modern and ancient subcultures that the majority of us have never heard of. This proves that there are homosexual relationships almost everywhere. But the author makes no effort to explain homosexuality in any way because this is a work of anthropology and sociology rather than psychology or sexology. There are very few accounts of the homosexual experience on the inside.
The most comprehensive collection of information on homosexuality in all world cultures will continue to be this book for a very long time. The various contexts in which same-sex relationships are found are illustrated with numerous quotations and a few images that show how homosexual relationships were practiced and perceived.
The term "transgender" is a catch-all phrase that refers to people who identify as either male, female, or intersex but do not share the biological gender assigned at birth.
The term "transsexual," which falls under the transgender category, is more precise. If someone doesn't ask to be referred to in this way specifically, don't use the word because it can be divisive.
Continue reading to find out more about the distinction between being transgender and being transsexual, as well as the reasons why some people prefer one term over the other.
1. Transgender
To different people, the term "transgender" can mean different things. Individuals who identify as transgender may also use a variety of other labels to identify with their gender. At first, this may seem confusing, especially if you believe that you or someone you know may be transgender. Transgender people can include, for instance, those who were born with a female assigned sex but identify as male. Transgender people can also be classified as having a female sense of self despite being born with a male gender identity.
Transgender people may identify as either a man or a woman, a combination of the two, or as someone completely different. The term "transgender" can also be used with other labels to denote the gender or sex that a person is aware of having. People may identify as transgender men, transgender women, or transgender nonbinary people, for instance. A general term used to describe people whose gender isn't exclusively categorized as either male or female is "nonbinary." A transgender male, for instance, is a person who has a strong sense of identity as a man and does not identify with the sex assigned to him at birth.
To express and affirm their internal experience of gender, some transgender people change their appearance, body, name, or legal gender marker. Some people don't feel the need to alter their appearance in order to express and affirm this aspect of who they are. Any way is acceptable.
2. Transsexualism
The term "transsexual" has historically and medically been used to denote a distinction between one's gender identity (their internal experience of gender) and the sex that was assigned to them at birth (male, female, or intersex). The phrase is more specifically used to convey that one's experience of gender involves medical modifications, such as hormones or surgery, that help change their anatomy and appearance to more closely match their gender identity.
Many transgender people do not identify as transsexuals despite their definitions being similar. Transsexual is not a catch-all phrase. Never refer to the entire transgender community by this phrase.
It's crucial to keep in mind that the term "transsexual" does not encompass or accurately describe the experiences of many people who belong to the transgender community. Therefore, unless they explicitly state that preference, it shouldn't be used to refer to someone.
Additionally, some transgender people consider the term "transsexual" to be derogatory and stigmatizing. This is due to the term's origins and history in the fields of medicine and psychology, which incorrectly characterized all transgender people as being mentally ill or sexually deviant.
Professionals in medicine and mental health now recognize that transgender identities are a naturally occurring aspect of human gender diversity and gender experiences and do not signify a mental illness.
3. What is the difference between Transgender and Transsexual?
The way the terms transgender and transsexual are used and experienced is the main distinction between them.
The term "transsexual" is often associated negatively by transgender people.
Although the term "transsexual" is still used in current best practices for transgender health, it is acknowledged that it is no longer the most inclusive and affirming way to refer to someone who has a gender that is distinct from the sex assigned at birth.
Western societies now refer to people who have a gender that is different from the sex assigned at birth using the terms transgender or trans, which are widely accepted and supported.
The larger transgender community hasn't yet come to terms with the idea that the term "transsexual" doesn't always have to include medical changes, despite some transgender and transsexual advocates' arguments to the contrary.
The term "transgender" generally acknowledges that not everyone who identifies with a gender other than the sex assigned at birth needs to have their body, hormones, or appearance altered medically.
Each transgender person has the freedom to choose whether to pursue medical and physical changes.
There are numerous organizations and support groups for people who struggle with their sexuality. They can assist a person in addressing safety, rights, and health concerns as well as come up with strategies for overcoming the prejudice, bias, and stereotypes that many LGBTQ people have encountered at some point. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer is referred to as LGBT.
Although having a homosexual or bisexual orientation is not a mental health issue, lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults have higher rates of depression and substance abuse (including alcohol and other drugs). According to research, LGBTQ individuals are also more likely to commit suicide. The risk is greater for people who were bullied or abused as well as for those who came from families who didn't accept them for who they are.
Learning about various gender labels can be a crucial component of self-discovery, support for loved ones, and exploration. Each individual has a right to choose the label that best describes them.
Some help line includes :
- LGBT Support Line
The LGBT Ireland Helpline is an impartial and private resource. It offers LGBTI+ individuals, as well as their family members and friends, listening, support, and information. They also offer: peer support groups across the nation, instant messaging support, and assistance for those who are unsure whether they are LGBTI+. ( Phone 1800 929 539 )
- Young people
Young LGBTI+ people and their families can find a variety of support and information at BeLonGTo Youth Services.
- Intersex assistance
When a person is born with biological characteristics from both sexes, they are said to be intersex. and the Intersex Society of North America offer online resources for intersex individuals (ISNA).
- Support for transgenders
People who identify as transgender are those whose gender identity differs from the sex to which they were biologically assigned. Trans people can find information and support from the Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI).
- General information
On and, there are libraries of facts, anecdotes, and guidance for LGBTI+ people and their families.
1. What is Sexual abuse?
Sexual abuse is when a man, woman, or child is forced to engage in sexual activity without their consent. A man, woman, or child may sexually abuse a woman, a man, or a child.
Sexual assault is a form of violence committed by an aggressor against a victim they believe to be less strong than them. It is not the result of an uncontrollable sex drive; rather, it is a crime that is intentionally committed with the intention of dominating and degrading the victim.
The majority of sexual assault victims are women, reflecting their continued social denigration of men in the 21st century. In a patriarchal society, sexual violence against women is yet another form of oppression.
Every society that tolerates aggressive behavior and gender inequality, including Israel, has sexual violence as a social phenomenon. After an attack, thousands of women seek assistance from rape crisis centers, and statistics indicate that 1 in 3 women will experience sexual abuse in their lifetime.
2. Sexual abuse treatment
People frequently receive treatment, such as brief therapy for young people who are sexually reactive after experiencing abuse, to recover from the effects of sexual abuse.
Therapists at the Sexual Abuse Treatment Program frequently conduct assessments from an ecological standpoint. They consider the child's life to be much more important than the life of a sexual abuse victim. A young person's identity, as well as their inner thoughts and feelings, are influenced by their family, culture, and community. SATP assists participants in identifying their areas of strength. They also work to alleviate any unsettling symptoms that young people might have and educate people about the effects of traumatic abuse.
It is acknowledged that a family or caregiver can significantly help end sexual abuse. Families are encouraged to see the positive aspects of their interactions that contribute to healing and wholeness. This can help to lessen stigma, boost family pride, and foster optimism for the future.
SATP acknowledges the innate resilience of children who have endured sexual abuse. To involve the child's feelings, thoughts, and senses in their healing process, they employ a variety of therapeutic techniques.
Sex-Gender and Queer Studies
Sociology of gender is a noticeable subfield of sociology. Sociosite straightforwardly connected with sociology with respect to social structure.Â
This is resolved dependent on position that an individual has which impacts how they will be treated by society. Quite possibly the most significant statuses an individual cases is gender.

Gender and Queer Studies
Gender is one of the universal dimensions on which status differences are based. Unlike sex, which is a biological concept, gender is a social construct specifying the socially and culturally prescribed roles that men and women are to follow. |
- Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS)
An interdisciplinary Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality that seeks to provide a forum for synergistic research and teaching at the University of Amsterdam, tapping into the state-of-the-art research that current staff member across disciplines are already engaging in, and generating new collaborations. - Anti Violence Project (AVP)
The AVP in New York City empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy.
- Blogs about: Gender Inequality
A listing of blogs specifically devoted to gender equity issues that offers viewpoints from writers around the globe. - Bruckman, Amy S. - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- [1993] Gender Swapping on the Internet
In: Proceedings of INET ’93. Reston, VA: The Internet Society
Bruckman explains that the internet is a tool which is blind to physical characteristics, so it has become a way for men and women to make realizations about the stereotypes and treatment of others. The use of MUDS has been facilitating people’s understanding of culture and values. The increased use of the internet has made both men and women more aware of their predisposed roles in society, but it hasn’t changed the way that males and females view each other. - [2002] Gender and Programming Achievement in a CSCL Environment (with Carlos Jensen & Austina DeBonte)
In: Proceedings of CSCL 2002, Boulder, CO
Presentation of the results of a study on the participation of 475 children in a CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) environment over a period of five years. Girls spend significantly more time than boys communicating with others in a CSCL environment. Gender does not affect programming performance: performance is correlated with prior programming experience and time on task. Boys are more likely than girls to have prior programming experience, and spend more time programming on average. These results suggest that educators wishing to increase gender equity in technical skill should focus on strategies for fostering interest among girls. - [2010] Race and Gender in Play Practices: Young African American Males (with Betsy Disalvo)
In: Proceedings of Foundations of Digital Games (FDG), June 2010.
A study with young African American men, to gain a better understanding of the impacts of cultural and gender identity on play practices and to explore the relationship between cultural play practices and interest in computing. The findings indicate that while young African American men play video games frequently, their objectives in playing may be unlike those who enter computer scientist fields. From this the authors discuss the implications of this study on designing CS learning interventions that leverage video games to introduce young people to computation.
- [1993] Gender Swapping on the Internet
Carter, Raphael
Androgyny RAQ
Brothersister Raphael Carter Explains all rarely or never asked Questions. There might be a good reason for this: the whole point of androgyny is to ask questions about gender that are all too ralely asked. Or do you know the difference between a ‘homovestite’, a ‘hermaphoroditus’ and a ‘scrat’ ?
France Queer Resources Directory - La France Gaie et Lesbienne
A great directory organized in categories such as: documents, culture, regions, internet, actions, associations, news, agenda, events, media, small ads and health.
- Gay & Lesbian Travel
Finding places where to go, people to meet on festivals, parties and events, or in gay & lesbian bars, nightclubs, restaurants,bathouses and coffee houses near you. Only for Americans, or people who visit the U.S.A. - GayCanada - Canadian Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Resources Directory (CGLBRD)
The most comprehensive source for Canadian gay, lesbian and bisexual information. Founded in 1994, the Canadian Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Resource Directory is an organization dedicated to the collection, compilation and distribution of information important to or of relevance to the GLB communities across Canada. The CGLBRD is a group of hard working people dedicated to bringing information about gay and gay-friendly resources, organizations and businesses to all Canadians as well as visitors to our country. - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies - Auraria Library, University of Colorado Denver (USA)
- GayLinc
A comprehensive gay/lesbian agenda for the Netherlands. All you need to know when you are visiting Amsterdam and the rest of Holland. - GayNZ - Gay New Zealand
- GayWeb
A German guide that offers local, regional and general information about various areas of gay and lesbian life. - Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media
A site launched in 2007 by the American actress Geena Davis that explores research in the media and entertainment industry about gender bias and its presentation. -
An American organization focused on the needs, issues and concerns of gender variant people in human society. They seek to educate and advocate, not only for themselves and others like them, but for all human beings who suffer from gender-based oppression in all of its many forms. - Gender & Society (GENSOC) [table of content + abstracts]
A peer-reviewed journal, focused on the study of gender. It is the official journal of Sociologists for Women in Society, and was founded in 1987 as an outlet for feminist social science. Currently, it is a top-ranked journal in both sociology and women’s studies. Articles appearing in Gender & Society analyze gender and gendered processes in interactions, organizations, societies, and global and transnational spaces. The journal primarily publishes empirical articles, which are both theoretically engaged and methodologically rigorous, including qualitative, quantitative, and comparative-historical methodologies. Gender & Society also publishes reviews of books from a diverse array of social science disciplines. - Gender Issues in Contempory Industrialisation: An Annotated Bibliography
A bibliography with annotated references to the relationship between issues of gender and issues of industrial restructuring in the South and the North. The bibliography is available as a WinWord version 6 document. Editors: Diana Elson and Caroline Wright (Dep. of Sociology, University of Warwick, UK). - Gender and Sexuality
Part of the English Server at Carnegie Mellon University. A workspace for discussion on gender, sexuality, sexual identity and cultural practices. Provides access to local documents and links to Internet resources for Feminist, Gender and Women’s Studies. - GenderPac - Gender Public Advocacy Coalition
An American organization that tries to guarantee every American's civil right to express their gender orientation free of stereotypes, discrimination and violence. The goal is gender, affectional and racial equality. - GLAAD - Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
GLAAD’s primary focus is on the fight for fair and accurate portrayals of gays and lebians in the media and entertainment industries. - GLBTQ
An encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer culture. It includes a social science section.
- Hekma, Gert - University of Amsterdam
- [2004] The Demise of Sexual Radicalism in The Netherlands
In: Gert Hekma (ed.) Past and Present of Radical Sexual Politics, Amsterdam: Mosse Foundation, 2004.
Reprinted in: Melinda Chateauvert (ed) [2006] New Social Movements and Sexuality, Sofia: Bilitis, pp. 134-145 - [2008] The Drive for Sexual Equality
In: Sexualities 11(1/2): 46-50. - [2010] Politique et homosexualité aux Pays-Bas
In: Le Bulletin d'histoire politique, 18(2).
- [2004] The Demise of Sexual Radicalism in The Netherlands
- Hood-Williams, John - University of Greenwich (UK)
- [1996] Goodbye to Sex and Gender
In: Sociological Review 44(1): 1-16.
This paper refers specifically to the history of sex and to recent work in genetics in order to demonstrate that sex, like gender is a discursive construction. He argues that the sex/gender problematic is wrong to assume that biological differences are naturally given and that sex cannot operate as a natural basis in a theory of difference. - [2006] Real sex/fake gender: a reply to Robert Wilmott
In: Sociological Review 45 (1): 42-58.
A series of claims relating to the sociological problematic of sex/gender are made by Robert Willmott in a critique of Hood-Williams’ article Goodbye to Sex and Gender. In his account he claims that: sociology is ‘impossible’ and feminism ‘impotent’ without the sex/gender distinction; that sex belongs to an order of real world objects that is ontologically distinctly from, and irreducible to, gender and that to oppose this view is to favour conflation; that men are ontologically distinct from women. In this reply he argue that it is absurd to say that sociology, which pre-dates the sex/gender distinction by two hundred years, or feminism (also historically prior), cannot function without it; that the distinction between the real and the ideational rests on an ontology that is itself discursive and that the critique of the general distinction made between sex and gender does not necessitate conflating the objects of biological and sociological discourses; that men and women are no more ontologically distinct than people with black skins are from those with white.
- [1996] Goodbye to Sex and Gender
International Homo/Lesbian informationcenter and Archives (IHLIA)
A gay and lesbian information centre and archive, with branches in Amsterdam (Homodok) and Leeuwarden (Anna Blaman Huis). IHLIA has its own catalogueing and indexing system. Its bibliographic database currently lists almost 80.000 records indexed with the help of the Homosaurus, an especially designed, controlled vocabulary of about 3000 gay and lesbian index terms (keywords). Using the Homosaurus, the database provides easy and highly detailed access to both Homodok's own holdings and the holdings of other institutions. Homodok also serves as a repository for the records of gay and lesbian organizations and groups. It stores the records of several Dutch gay and lesbian organizations and activists' groups as well as personal archives of gay men and lesbians.
Jokisch, Rodrigo
[2001] Wie ist Geschlecht möglich? Zur Beobachtung von ‘Sexualität ’ und ‘Geschlecht’.
A contribution to the sociology of the body. The main question: how is gender possible?
- Kearl, Michael
Gender and Society: A matter of Nature or Nurture? - Kimmel, Michael S. / Aronson, Amy (eds.)
[2003] The Gendered Society Reader
Oxford University Press. - Kingston, Mark - University of New South Wales, Australia
[2009] Subversive Friendships: Foucault on Homosexuality and Social Experimentation
In: Foucault Studies, 7: 7-17.
Foucault characterises homosexual culture as being connected with an interesting practice of friendship. Since homosexual relationships cannot be derived from existing norms, they are inherently underdetermined. Tthis means that homosexual culture provides a space for the creation of new types of relationship. Inspired by this practice of social experimentation, Foucault puts forward a concept of friendship based on the collaborative creation of new relationships in marginal spaces. Kinston argued that putting this concept of friendship into practice entails social activism in two ways: first, the creation of new relationships in marginal spaces constitutes a form of localised resistance to social normalisation, and second, because experimentation with relationships presents a challenge to the excessive normalisation of relationships on a societal scale. Friendship, for Foucault, is therefore a resource for both local resistance and large-scale social change. - Knobel, Paul
Lee, Diana
[2005] Androgyny becomming global?
Addresses the current global trend of androgyny being embraced by the entertainment and fashion cultures and more recently by the metrosexuals and empowered women.
- Ms. Blog
Offers first-person accounts of gender inequality at school and work. Writers discuss the personal affects and suggest methods to counter similar instances. - Myra Sadker Foundation
A not-for-profit organization that offers comprehensive reading and research on topics related to eliminating gender bias in schools. Scholarships, grants for teachers and students and doctoral dissertation awards are also available.
ONE Archives at the USC Libraries
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives at the USC Libraries is the largest repository of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) materials in the world. Founded in 1952, ONE Archives contain over two million archival items including periodicals, books, film, video and audio recordings, photographs, artworks, organizational records, and personal papers. Located in Los Angeles, California, ONE Archives has been a part of the University of Southern California Libraries since 2010.
Produktive differenzen - Forum für Differenz- und Genderforschung
The project aims to link the transdisciplinary and contrasting central contemporary theories —deconstruction on one hand and system theory and radical constructivism on the other hand— with regard to the construction, deconstruction and reconstruction of sex or gender. It comprises introductory and advanced texts, a comparative glossary, an annotated bibliography and an interactive Review Forum. The project is based at the University of Vienna, Austria.
- Queer in Amsterdam
Resources on homo- and bisexuality in Amsterdam. Presented by Amsterdam by Bite - Queer Resources Directory
The QRD is an electronic library with news clippings, political contact information, newsletters, essays, images, and every other kind of information resource of interest to the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual community. Information is stored for the use of casual network users and serious researchers alike. - QSTUDY-I
A forum for academic discussions pertaining to queer theory (encompassing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual/transgender studies). It is also intended to promote networking and information sharing between teachers, researchers, librarians, and students — anyone involved or interested in the field of queer studies. Posting announcements about relevant conferences or publications, calls for papers, job opportunities, or anything else relevant to the topic of queer studies is encouraged, though only subscribers may post to the list. It will serve additionally as a repository for syllabi, bibliographies, and other items of interest relating to Queer Studies.
Rege, Shamila - University of Pune
- [2003] Sociology of Gender: The Challenge of Feminist Sociological Thought
Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage. - [2006] Writing Caste/ Writing Gender: Reading Dalit Women’s Testimonios
New Delhi: Zubaan. - [2006] Dalit studies must move within and across discipline
In: The Hindu, 22.11.2006 - 2012] Songsters From The Mudhouse
In: Outlook India, 20.8.2012 - [2013] Against the Madness of Manu
In: Navayana, 3.1.2013
- Saltzman Chafetz, Janet
[2006] Handbook of the Sociology of Gender
Springer Verlag. - Schneider, Barbara / Atteberry, Allison
Beginning Origins of Gender Inequality
Insightful research data from University of Chicago discusses the interpretation of current gender inequality in schools today, and explores parent and teacher contributions. - Sexual Orientation Specific Resources - University of Maryland Diversity Database
Information for students and professors of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer studies and to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer-identified people. The database contains a picture gallery, and collections of announcements, calls for papers, bibliographies, syllabi, etc. Database coordinator: Larisa Kofman. - Sheaffer, Robert
[1993] Deceptions of a ‘Gender Equal Society’
Eleanor Leacock’s Depiction of the 17th-Century Montagnais-Naskapi. The late Eleanor Leacock was an anthropologist and feminist who published claims of societies that were supposedly ‘Egalitarian’, in regard both to wealth, and to sex. Her writings display a strong Marxist bent. Leacock’s essay Women In Egalitarian Societies was published as chapter one of Becoming Visible, a textbook used in Women’s History classes (Bridenthal and Koonz, eds). One of her principal examples of a supposedly nonpatriarchal society (i.e., one where leadership does not rest primarily with the male) was the Montagnais-Naskapi Native Americans of the Labrador peninsula of Canada. Now, the Montagnais-Naskapi of today (on whom she had done field work) are clearly patriarchal, so she cites the 17th century accounts of Jesuit missionaries to make a claim that this society was once gender-equal, but was subsequently "completely transformed" by their contact with Western colonial powers. - Sports: Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual (SocioSite)
- Sociology of Gender -
A short introduction in the sociology of gender. - Sociology of Gender, The - Theoretical Perspectives and Feminist Frameworks
Chapter 1, presented by Pearson Higher Education. - Stets, Jan E. / Burke, Peter J. - Dep. of Sociology, Washington State University, USA
[1996] Gender, Control, and Interaction
An examination of gender as status and gender and control as identities by analyzing the behavior of married couples whose task is to resolve disagreements in their marriage. They hypothize that husbands will be more likely than wives to use negative behavior in conversation, and that those with a more masculine and more dominant control identity will be more likely to use negative behavior in interactions. These predictions are tested on a representative sample of newly married couples using videotaped conversations.
In: Psychology Quarterly, 59:193-220.
Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association (TTHA)
TTHA is an organization that provides people (especially LGBT = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) with peer counseling, support networks, and a community resource center. It is a joint effort of 4 LGBT and gender issue-concerning groups, established in 1980. TTHA has been supporting the promotion of gender equality education in Taiwan, notably through the inclusion of gay rights and sexual orientation topics in new curriculum for elementary and junior high school.
- Sociology of Gender
- [22.04.2005] The Science of Gender & Science [2:02:31] - Steven Pinker & Elizabeth Spelke debate
On April 22, 2005, Harvard University's Mind/Brain/Behavior Initiative (MBB) held a debate on sex differences between men and women and how they may relate to the careers of women in science. It concentrates on the research on mind, brain, and behavior that may be relevant to gender disparities in the sciences, including the studies of bias, discrimination and innate and acquired difference between the sexes. See also the transcription of the debate and de slide presentations in Edge. - [02.02.2011] Social media and the end of gender [8:27] - Johanna Blakley at TEDx
Media and advertising companies still use the same old demographics to understand audiences, but they’re becoming increasingly harder to track online, says media researcher Johanna Blakley. As social media outgrows traditional media, and women users outnumber men, Blakley explains what changes are in store for the future of media. - [02.11.2011] Sexuality & Gender 101 [7:49]
Dee Hurlbert of the LBGT Resource Center at the Michigan State University gives us a lesson on sexuality and gender. - [03.05.2012] Understanding the Complexities of Gender [16:29] - Sam Killermann at TEDxUofIChicago
Sam Killermann is a half-comedian and a one-hundred-percent social justice advocate, and the guy behind It’s Pronounced Metrosexual, a one-man comedy show and blog about snap judgments, identity, and oppression. But in a totally funny way. - [04.11.2013] Ending Gender [16:24] - Scott Turner Schofield at TEDx Houston
- [19.06.2014] Gener and Sexuality Animation [4:46]
- [14.02.2015] What’s the Difference Between Sex and Gender? [5:12] - Feminist Fridays
Marina Watanabe explains the difference. - [25.02.2015] Men - The forgotten gender [19:00] - Deepika Bhardwaj at TEDxIIFTDelhi
Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj is a journalist, anchor and a documentary filmmaker. Deepika talks about the how men in the Indian society are suffering due to the draconian Indian Penal Code which is made for the protection of women but ignores men and their issues. She addresses the Indian Dowry Act from the perspective of men. Deepika talks of men who are victimised and sustematically abused by laws that are made for women but are abused to victimise men. - [31.03.2015] WTF is Gender? [6:13]
- [06.10.2015] Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone — Men Included [15:58] - Michael Kimmel, TED Talks
Michael Kimmel makes the surprising, funny, practical case for treating men and women equally in the workplace and at home. It’s not a zero-sum game, but a win-win that will result in more opportunity and more happiness for everybody. - [05.05.2015] Gender and the Brain [55:03] - The Agenda with Steve Paikin
Are gender difference born or made? Science can give a clue as to how the male or female brains approach life differently. Tonight, The Agenda’s contributes to TVO’s Mysteries of the Mind week by featuring a discussion on the brain gender divide.
- Weeks, Linton
- [2011] The End of Gender?
In: NPR (National Public Radio), 27.6.2011 - [2015] ‘Female Husbands’ In The 19th Century
In: NPR (National Public Radio), 29.2.2015
In newspapers, magazines and novels, the «female husband» (women dressing and posing as men) was a person of great interest. - [2015] The Marriage Equality Battle Is Now History
In: NPR (National Public Radio), 27.6.2015
The ink on the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision was hardly dry before the New York Public Library mounted a pop-up exhibit about same-sex relationships. It displayed photos and documents featuring lesbian, gay, bisezual and transgender history. - [2015] 12 Etiquette Screw-Ups In 1896
In: NPR (National Public Radio), 16.10.2015
Times change and so do manners. A reassessment of good behavior in 2015 and a small contribution to gender-neutral niceties.
- [2011] The End of Gender?
- Wharton, Amy S.
- [2012] The Sociology of Gender: An Introduction to Theory and Research (second edition)
John Wiley & Sons
An introductory overview of gender theory and research. Wharton offers a unique and compelling approach to the topic of gender in the field of sociology and incorporates recent cross-national research on gender. Gender is treated as a multilevel system operating at the individual, interactional, and institutional levels. Wharton shows how individualist approaches view gender as part of the person; interactional approaches focus on the ways that gender emerges through social interaction; and institutional views emphasize how gender is built into organizations, social structures, and institutional arrangements.
- [2012] The Sociology of Gender: An Introduction to Theory and Research (second edition)
- Women’s and Gender Studies - USC Libraries (University of Southern California, USA)
- Wikibooks: Introduction to Sociology/Gender
- Wikipedia
- Wolpert, Lewis
- [2015] Why Can’t a Women Be More Like a Man?: The Evolution of Sex and Gender [chapter 1]
London: Faber & Faber
Why are there two sexes? How different are they and why? Are there important differences that are genetically determined? What are the differences between sex and gender and how are they determined? Why can’t a woman be more like a man? In My Fair Lady, Prof Higgins asked this question rhetorically from an absurdly biased, male point of view. Here, development biologist Lewis Wolpert asks it quite literally. He concludes that there are distinct biological differences between the sexes, in their emotions, language and mathematical skills, health and attitudes towards sex. And he acknowledges that these variations can be minimised or heightened by our sociocultural environments. Or should the question be: why can’t a man be more like a woman? One reason a woman can’t be more like a man is that men are fundamentally modified females. We are all female in the early embryonic stage until, in roughly half of us, the Y chromosome fires up and propels the embryo down the male developmental route. And so evolution resulted in men being modified women who are stronger, faster and more risk-inclined. So apparently there is science behind our stereotypical gender roles, and abilities for parallel parking and map reading.
- [2015] Why Can’t a Women Be More Like a Man?: The Evolution of Sex and Gender [chapter 1]
- Amsterdam Gay Guide
A small representation of Gay Venues in Amsterdam. Information on hotels, bars, discos & clubs, coffee shops & restaurants, gay gyms & saunas. - Amsterdam Gay Pride
Gay Pride Amsterdam is one of the most fun prides in the world. Amsterdam will have street parties all weekend long, the best club circuit parties and of course the famous Canal Parade on Saturday. Gay pride is one of the most busy weekends of the year in Amsterdam. - Calimach, Andrew
[2002] Lover’s Legends — The Gay Greek Myths
New Rochelle, NY: Haiduk Press. - Gay Amsterdam
A portal voor gays living or visiting Amsterdam. Includes a tourist en hotel guide, night life & dining, shopping & style, events & meeting point. -
A general, almost allcompassing gay portal for Dutch gays, or people who like to visit the Netherlands. Accurate information seems to be the main character. - Halsall, Paul - Fordham University, New York (USA)
- [1988] The Experience of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages | mirror
Homosexual sex was widespread in the Middle Ages and there is abundant information on what church writers and secular legislators thought about it. The main focus of this paper is the experience of homosexuality for individuals and on what can be gleaned about the subcultures or other kinds of social networks homsexuals belonged to in diverse medieval periods. - [2000] Homosexuality in History: A Partially Annotated Bibliography
- [1988] The Experience of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages | mirror
- Hein Verkerk’s Gay EU - «It Ain’t Much Without the Dutch.»
- Hull, Kathleen E.
- [2014] Same-Sex, Different Attitudes
More and more Americans have changed their minds about same-sex marriage and why. Attitude change that occurs this quickly and on this scale cannot be explained in the usual ways. It’s not a case of older people with more conservative beliefs dying out and being replaced by younger, more liberal generations The most decisive factor is coming into contact with someone that they learned was homosexual. A third of respondents said that knowing a gay, lesbian, or bisexual person was influential in making them rethink their position on gay marriage. A quarter of people said that they “evolved”: they grew up, thought about it more, or more clearly. Nearly as many said that they were simply changing with the times or that a belief that everyone should be free to do what they want was more important than restricting the right to marry. A second factor that has likely contributed to declining opposition to same-sex marriage is the fact that such marriages are now legal in several U.S. states and many countries.
In: Society Pages, 27.3.2014 - [2015] The Past and Future of (Same-Sex) Marriage
In: Huffington Post, 29.6.2015
- [2014] Same-Sex, Different Attitudes
- Netzlust: Schwule Männer im Internet
A German Facebook page on the gay side of the world. - Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity (SPSMM)
This society believes that aspects of traditional gender roles are restrictive in nature and often lead to negative consequences and unhealthy interactions for many individuals and society. SPSMM endeavors to point out constrictive conceptions of masculinity that have inhibited men’s development, reduced men’s capacity to form meaningful relationships, and contributed to the oppression of others. SPSMM supports the empowerment of all persons and believes this empowerment leads to the highest level of functioning in individual men and women. - Wikipedia: Gay | Gay sexual practices | Gay bashing
- Deaf Queer Resource Center (DQRC)
A national resource en information center for, by and about the deaf lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, intersex and questioning communities. You will find resources on coming out support, ongoing gatherings around the planet, and dear queer coming out stories. Editor: Barky Burdick. - International Lesbian Information Service (ILIS)
An international network of lesbians working towards lesbian rights. "The five basic ILIS demands are: We have the unconditional right to control our own bodies; We have a right to education that is not sexist or heterosexist and which includes positive information about lesbian lifestyle; We need the right to self-organisation; All governments must repeal legislation which criminalizes us or discriminates against us; Therefore, all governments must pass human rights legislation to protect individuals against discrimination based on color, class, creed, sex and sexual preference." - Lesbian Archive Amsterdam (IHLA)
Pink pages on the internet, composed by the International Gay/Lesbian Information Center and Archive. It is specialized in audio-visual material on lesbian women and their culture. It wants to make the lesbian women and their culture visible by meains of puclications and cultural activitiets. -
Promoting lesbian visibility on the internet. The oldest and largest collection of lesbian-specific information on the internet. Editor: Amy Goodloe. - Lesbian Visibility and WWWoman have combined efforts in order to provide lesbians with the most comprehensive, up-to-date and searchable database of lesbian links on the internet. You'll find almost anything (in the U.S.A.). Categories: Activism and Advocacy; Arts, Entertainment and Music; Lesbian-owned Business, Products and Services; Lesbian Hotlinks and Collections; Publications and Literary Links; Health and Sexuality; Meeting Places and Discussion Groups for Lesbians; Misc. Links; Web Pages by Lesbians. -
- Wikipedia
Lesbian | Lesbian sexual practices | History of lesbianism - Wild-list
A forum for information and discussions about lesbian studies from a European perspective. It’s a closed list and for women only. - Zij aan Zij
A Dutch magazine for women who (also) love women.
Bisexuality is the potential to be physically, emotionally and/or sexually attracted to both men and women including transgender people. | Bisexuality means sexual or romantic attraction or behavior directed towards some members of more than one sex (though not necessarily at the same time). |
- American Institute of Bisexuality (AIB)
AIB encourages, supports and assists research and education about bisexuality, through programs likely to make a material difference and enhance public knowledge, awareness and understanding about bisexuality. - Anything That Moves [1990-2002]
ATM was a magazine for the inner bisexual. It started as an expansion of the San Francisco Bay Area Bisexual Network’s newsletter, and swiftly grew to become a full magazine, with an international subscriber base. The mission of ATM was to challenge and redefine concepts of sexuality and gender, to defy stereotypes and cookie-cutter definitions of bisexuals and to combat biphobia. ATM ceased publication in February 2002. - Australian Bisexual Network (ABN)
Provides information on bisexuality, the history of the bi movement, and a lot of links to gender and (bi)sexuality sites all over the world. - Bi Community News - UK
The magazine of the UK bisexual community. If you want to know what’s going on in the bi movement, to join in debate, to keep track of bis in the media and what bis in the real world think of them - this is the place to be. For the latest content, you have to subscribe to the paper edition. - BiCon - UK
BiCon is the UK National Bisexual Convention, a fun weekend-long festival for bisexual people and their allies, held at a different location in the UK each year. During the days there is a programme of discussions, talks, workshops and events to run alongside these such as film showings, treasure hunts, games and competitions. In the evenings there is entertainment and dancing. - Bi Irish
- BiNet B.C. - Canada
The Bisexual Network of British Columbia - Bi-NSW - Australia
Promotes and celebrates bisexual pride, bisexual visibility, and diversity. It also promotes better understanding and acceptance of bisexuals, bisexuality, and sexuality that is not limited by gender. And it campains for removal of discrimination against people on the basis of their sexuality. - BiNet USA
BiNet USA has been advocating for the bisexual, pansexual, and fluid communities. - Bisexual Options
Fritz Klein (San Diego, USA) presents Bi resources, Bi pages city by city, bi-ographies of people to meet, BiWorld international news, and excerpts of his book The Bisexual Option. -
Its goal is to serve the worldwide bisexual community by providing a free internet presence for bisexual individuals, groups and non-profit organisations. There is a large set of bi-sexual resources, email addresses and mailing lists, which is especially strong in the UK. - Bisexual Resource Center (BRC)
The BRC (Cambridge, MA, USA) publishes a Bisexual Resource Guide, a listing of bi and les-bi-gay groups in 20 countries. - Bisexuellen Netzwerk BiNe e.V. - Germany
The only bi-association of groups and persons in Germany founded in August 1992. It provides information on bisexuality and supports the self-help groups. It publishes the journal Bijou. - Journal of Bisexuality
A peer-reviewed academic journal published on behalf of the American Institute of Bisexuality. - Landelijk Netwerk Biseksualiteit (LNBI)
A Dutch network for biseksuals. -
The newsgroups is for the discussion of any issues related to bisexuality or of interest to bisexual people. this website is intended as a community resource, and contains no pictures, no stories of a sexual nature and no commercial links. Provides a niche FAQ section on bisexuality. - Wikipedia
Bisexuality | Bi-curious | Bisexual chiq | Bisexual erasure
Transgender Transsexualism: Transvestism, Cross Dressing, Gender Blending, Intersex
- Bettcher, Talia Mae - California State University, Los Angeles
- [2014] Introduction to Trans Feminism: Transgender Studies meets Feminist Theory
A course that introduces into the interdisciplinary field of transgender studies from a trans feminist perspective. Includes the lecture videos. - [2014] Feminist Perspectives on Trans Issues
- [2014] Introduction to Trans Feminism: Transgender Studies meets Feminist Theory
- Dabrinski, Kate
[2014] Identity Matters: Teaching Transgender in the Women’s Studies Classroom
In: Radical Teacher, 100
Teaching transgender studies is often assumed to fall under the purview of gender and women’s studies programs and the GLBT studies programs often nested there where claims have been made on the territories of gender and sexuality. The questions that have long plagued these programs persist: Is our subject matter women and men, gays and lesbians, transgender people? Or is it rather the production of those categories and how they come to matter? What, exactly, is the object of our study, when that object is so often our own subjectivities and a necessarily moving target? - Female to Male (FTM)
FTM International is a peer support group for female-to-male transvestites and transsexuals. FTM offers information and networking for women who are exploring their gender identity issues, or who need a safe ‘place’ to explore their male personae, as well as for men who are in the process of transition, or who have completed the change. FTM also provides educational services to the general public on transgender issues. - Google Groups
- Hutcheson, Joel - Wake Forest University Medical Center, USA
Disorders of Sexual Development
In: Mescape
Disorders of sexuale development (DSDs) —formerley termed intersex conditions— are among the most fascinating conditions encountered by the clinician. The ability to diagnose these conditions has advanced rapidly. In most cases, clinicians can promptly make an accurate diagnosis and counsel parents on therapeutic options. However, the paradigm of early gender assignment has been challenged by the results of clinical and basic science research, which show that gender identity development likely begins in utero. While the techniques of surgical genital reconstruction have been mastered, the understanding of the psychological and social implications of gender assignment has shifted the paradigm away from early reconstruction in some cases. This article focuses on newborn evaluation and the differential diagnosis in children with DSD, including children with ambiguous genitalia.
The use of the term ‘disorder of sex development'’ (DSD) is controversial among many activists and community organisations. Many governments and international institutions (such as the WHO) use the term ‘intersex’ in preference to DSD. - Intersexed_Society - Yahoo!
A discussion/support group for intersex individuals, their lover(s), and their allies. The list is not to be used as a dating service for individuals seeking someone intersex. - Journals and Magazines
- Chrysalis Quarterly
The journal of transgressive gender issues. Founded in 1990. The special issue on intersexuality of 1997, guest-edited by intersex activist is still available. - International Journal of Transgenderism (IJT)
The first scientific journal on transgenderism. The journal is peer reviewed and its editorial board consists of many leading scientists from all over the world. It publishes fulltext contributions on all aspects of gender identification, gender blending, and gender migration &151; including medical, legal, and psychological studies. It’s a peer-reviewed electronic journal, and it is expected to be published quarterly. - Transgender Studies Quarterly (TSQ)
Transgender studies has become fertile ground for new approaches to cultural analysis. TSQ offers a venue for innovative research and scholarship that contest the objectification, pathologization, and exoticization of transgender lives. It publishes interdisciplinary work that explores the diversity of gender, sex, sexuality, embodiment, and identity in ways that have not been adequately addressed by feminist and queer scholarship. Its mission is to foster a vigorous conversation among scholars, artists, activists, and others that examines how ‘transgender’ comes into play as a category, a process, a social assemblage, an increasingly intelligible gender identity, an identifiable threat to gender normativity, and a rubric for understanding the variability and contingency of gender across time, space, and cultures.
- Chrysalis Quarterly
- Lawrence, Anne
Transsexualism and Sexuality
Resources for transsexual women (male-to-female). Consumer-oriented information about sex-reassignment surgery, hormone therapy, and commentary on medical and surgical topics. Editor: dr. Anne Lawrence. You can read her publications and presentations, for instance on autogynephilic transsexualism (which is conceptualized as an expression of romantic love). - National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)
The NCTE is an American social justice organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration and empowerment. - Trans-Academics is a place where people of all genders can discuss gender theory, the trans community and its various identities, both as a part of the academic world and day-to-day life. - Transgendered Network International (TGNI)
Portal for all people deling with issues of transsexuality and crossdressing. - Transgender Forum
An excellent resource for information about transgendered people and transgender rights. Everything you always wanted to know about crossdressers, transvestites and transsexuals. - Transgender News - Yahoo! Discussion Group
An educational forum for current news and commentary affecting transgender people (TS, TG, CD et al.), intersex people and gender-variant people (hijra, meti, etc.). A limited number of gay-interest stories is posted when they affect our primary audience. All messages are is moderated. - TransAction Network
A transgender friendly UK network that offers help, advice & support as well as TG Friends. The network acts as a social justice organisation devoted to ending discrimination and violense against transgender people through education, lobbying & campaigning on national issues of importance to transgender people. If you are in North West England you are invited to visite TransWirral. If you are in Wales you are directed to TransWales. TransWirral is an education, advocacy, campaigning and support organisation for all transsexual & intersex people (including teenagers) who riside in NW England. - Wikipedia
Transgender | Transgender studies | List of transgender publications | List of transgender-related topics | Disorders of sex development
- AIDS and HIV (SocioSite)
A collection of resources on the most dangerous sexually transmitted infections. - FAQ
A newsgroup dealing in human sexuality. Written in the early part of 1994. They reflect the best wisdom and knowledge of all participants on the committee at that time. - Archive for Sexuology
A multilingual archive for sexology. The mission of the Robert Koch Institute is to promote, protect, and preserve sexual health through original research and by collecting, analyzing and disseminating scientific information from other sources. The site contains a great library with full-text books and articles, a critical dictionary and a nice list of inappropriate terms, and an amazing history of sexology. It also provides a special section with original behavior surveys. The site is based at the Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany). - Art of Oral Sex, The
Oral sex is as old as the road to Rome. People have been using their mouths to stimulate each other sexually for about as long as there have been people. presents a special page on the art of oral sex. Both for women and men. Only in the beginning it is just kissing. - Berscheid, Ellen / Hatfield Walster, Elaine
[1969] Interpersonal Attraction
This book centers on interpersonal attraction, running the gamut from attraction and rejection in a group to romantic love. - Bullough, Vern L.
[1994] Science in the Bedroom - A History of Sex Research
New York: BasicBooks. - Coalition for Positive Sexuality (CPS)
We do have the right to complete and honest sex education. CPS has created a quick and easy online tour through the most important topics for teens who are sexually active now or just thinking about having sex. It’s called “Just Say Yes” because we’re tired of people telling us what we can and can’t do. There’s no preaching. No moralizing. Just the facts. And some answers on questions like: Should I have sex? What’s Safe Sex? What about Birth Control? What if I’m gay? What about Pregnancy? What if I get a disease (STDs)? CPS is a grassrooots, not-for-profit, activist organization, based in Washington, USA. - Diamond, Milton - Universty of Hawai’i at Manoa
- [1990] Sexual Behavior in Pre-Contact Hawai’i: A Sexological Ethnography | mirror
Traditional Hawai’ian society was culturally complex. Sex was seen as being positive and pleasurable. Although many cultural precepts existed concerning nonsexual aspects of life, the attitude toward sex was comparatively open and permissive. Sexual needs and desires were seen as being as basic as the need to eat, and the young were instructed in matters of sex. Adults attended physically to the sexual development of the young, including the preparation of their genitals. These sexual interactions between adults and the young, were seen as benefiting the young individual rather than as gratifying the adult. The sexual desire of an adult for a nonadult, heterosexual or homosexual, was accepted, and the regular erotic preference by an adult for a young individual probably was viewed more as being unusual than as being intrinsically bad. The Hawai’ian social system was constructed out of passion, structured out of sentiment. Even the basic Hawai’ian creation story The Kumulipo, is highly sexual. It starts with the mating of the male god Wakea and the female god Papa and, throughout, turns to many sexual encounters.
In: J. Feierman (ed.) [1990] Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions (pp. 422-443) - [2012] Intersex and Transsex: Atypical Gender Development and Social Construction
In: Women’s Studies Review, 19: 76-91. - [2014] Intersex / Hermaphrodite
In: Michael Kimmel, Christine Milrod & Amanda Kennedy (eds.) [2014] The Cultural Encyclopedia of the Penis, pp.95-96.
- [1990] Sexual Behavior in Pre-Contact Hawai’i: A Sexological Ethnography | mirror
- Dr. Ruth Online
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, America’s foremost sex therapist, has dedicated her website to the honest, informative, and entertaining promotion of sexual literacy. Special Features Premature ejaculation? The G spot? Avoiding sex during pregnancy? Dr. Ruth has the answers to your most frequently asked sex questions. - Dutch Society for Sexual Reform (NVSH)
NVSH contributes to the sexual emancipation of individual and social life. The main activity is the promotion of knowledge and understanding of sexual behaviour in the widest possible sense. - Dynes, Wayne R.
- [1987] Homosexuality: A Research Guide
New York: Garland - [1990] Ecyclopedia of Homosexuality - 2 vols, 1484 p.
New York: Garland. - [2010] Islam and same-sex love
- [2010] Homosexuality blbliographies
In: Homolexis, 10.11.2010 - [2011] GLBT life in the great cities of the world
In: Homolexis, 2.7.2011 - [2011] Homostudies: Introduction | Paradigm One | Paradigm Two | The Comprehensive Paradigm in gay studies | Gay Studies in cross-cultural context | The American Paradigm | The Homophile Paradigm | Conclusion: Other putative paradigms
- [1987] Homosexuality: A Research Guide
- Encyclopedia of Sex and Sexuality
The official online version of Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s Family Encyclopedia of Sex. - Francoeur, Robert T. (ed.)
[1997-2001] International Ecyclopedia of Sexuality (IES) - Volume I-IV
New York: Continuum.
The IES brings together unique and invaluable information about patterns and trends in sexual attitudes and beavior in thirty-two countries around the world. Each chapter is written by a scholar or team of scholars very familiar with a particular country and its culture. You can compare religious and ethnic factors affecting sexual behavior, gender roles, concepts of love and sexuality, sex education, masturbation, adolescent sex, courtship, marriage patterns, homosexuality and bisexuality, gender-conflicted persons, rape and incest, sexual abuse and harassment, prostitution and pornography, contraception and abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, sexual dysfunctions and therapies, sexological research, and advanced education, as well as significant ethnic minorities in thirty-some countries around the world. - Gender and Sexuality
Texts which address gender studies and queer studies, with a particular focus upon discussions of sex, gender, sexual identity and sexuality in cultural practices. Presented by the English Server. - Go Ask Alice: Sexual & Reproductive Health | Relationships
Pages with questions and answers on sexuality, sexual health and relationships. You can find sexual health information by subject via a search in a large questions and answers database. A service presented by the Columbia University Health Service, USA. - Guttmacher Institute
Information to guide and shape the public debate on reproductive rights. The mission of AGI (New York, USA) is to protect the reproductive choices of all women and men. It support their ability to obtain the information and services needed to achieve full human rights, safeguard their health and exercise their individual responsibilities in regard to sexual behavior, reproduction and family formation. - Guyon, René
[1951] Human Rights and the Denial of Sexual Freedom | ïdem (Sexarchive)
The liberation of the sexual activities of humanity is based on the doctrine “that the sexual organs and sexual acts are just as amoral as any other physiological manifestations of living beings, and consequently are indisputably legitimate for those who exercise them; and that this amorality and legitimacy entail and justify, as an indispensable corollary the fundamental freedom to use those organs and accomplish those acts at will, as long as this occurs without violence, constraint, or fraud against another person.” - Haavio-Mannila, Elina / Kontula, Osmo
- [1994] Sexual Pleasures - Enchancement of Sexual Life in Finland 1971-1992
A survey on the sexual habits and fantasies of the Finns. - [2003] Sexual Trends in the Baltic Sea Area
- [2009] The impact of aging on human sexual activity and sexual desire
In: Journal of Sex Research 46(1): 46-56.
An empirically study on how much aging modifies human sexual activity and sexual desire, and what the most important determinants in this change are. The analyses are based on 2 representative national sex surveys conducted in Finland in the 1990s. As a result of female widowhood, aging men had a higher incidence of sexual intercourse compared with aging women; and in relationships, women were more likely than men to report lack of sexual desire. Age is a predictor of sexual activity but not of sexual desire. Sexual desire, valuing sexuality, and a healthy partner are important to female sexual activity; and high sexual self-esteem, good health, and active sexual history are important to male sexual activity. To keep up their sexual desire, both men and women needed good health, good sexual functioning, positive sexual self-esteem, and a sexually skilful partner.
- [1994] Sexual Pleasures - Enchancement of Sexual Life in Finland 1971-1992
- Haeberle, Erwin J.
- [1981] The Sex Atlas
New York: Continuum. - [1985] Theoretical Foundations of Sexology
- [1997] Sexology: From Italy to Europe and the World
- [2000] Critical Dictionary of Sexology
From »aberration« to »zystitis«. - [2003] Human Reproduction
- [2004] The Global Future of Sexology
- (ed.) [2006] Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia
Also in German and Turkish
New York/London: Garland. - [2007] A Brief History of Female Sexuality
- [2007] Human Sexual Behavior
- [2008] Sexology in the Internet - Our New Frontier
- 2011] Antike Liebesmythen neu erzählt - Texte und Zeichnungen
- Glossary of Inappropriate Scientific and Professional Terms
Sexological research and training are often hampered by traditional terms that contain hidden value judgements or are even openly ideological. Originally, they were part of semantic strategies by which various religious, legal, medical, and pedagogic «experts» tried to impose their professional interests or moral convictions upon the general public. In addition, there are many imprecise and misleading terms still current in our field, so that it is often extremely difficult to describe sexual matters in an objective way. Haeberle gives a long list of terms that should be avoided.
- [1981] The Sex Atlas
- Hakim, Catherine - London School of Economics
- [2010] Erotic Capital
In: European Sociological Review, 26(5): 499-518 - [2010] Have you got erotic capital? It can be just as valuable as a university degree—especially for women
In: Prospect, April 2010
Hakim believes that erotic capital is the fourth human asset, in addition to economic, social and cultural capital. Erotic capital refers to the nebulous but crucial combination of physical and social attractiveness. “Erotic capital goes beyond beauty to include sex appeal, charm and social skills, physical fitness and liveliness, sexual competence and skills in self-presentation, such as face-painting, hairstyles, clothing and all the other arts of self-adornment.” It is a personal asset, ready to take its place alongside economic, cultural, human and social capital. It is just (if not more) as important for social mobility and success. Flirting is one manifestation of erotic capital. “Charisma often includes flirting, when appropriate, and these days even CEOs are expected to display charisma.”
- [2010] Erotic Capital
- Hatfield, Elaine / Rapson, Richard, L. [1993]
Love, Sex and Intimacy: Their Psychology, Biology, and History
New York: Harper Collins. - Hatfield, Elaine / Sprecher, Susan [1986]
Mirror, Mirror . . . The Importance of Looks in Everyday Life
Albany: State University of New York Press.
This book deals with a fundamental paradox. We have to admit that appearances matter. We know that small details of our appearance can be critical determinants of how well we will do in love, at work, and in life. And yet each of us knows we do not really “measure up”, and we feel slightly ashamed that we expect other people to do so. How to deal with this dilemma? - International Association for the Study of Sexuality Culture and Society (IASSCS)
A non-profit civil association concerned with the social and cultural study of sexuality. It intends to bring together anthropologists, multi-disciplinary scholars, and students committed to the study of sexuality & gender across time and space. - International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
A wordwide pioneer movement providing reproductive health and family planning services in over 150 countries. The IPPF and its member associations are committed to promoting the right of women and men to decide freely on the number and spacing of their children and the right to the highest possible level of sexual and reproductive health. - International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC)
Defines sexual health and informs about equality in sexual relations. IWHC envisions a world where women are free from discrimination, sexual coercion, and violence; where they make free and informed choices on sexuality and reproduction; and where health information and services are accessible to all. - Janssen, Diederik F. - University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
- [2002-2005] Growing Up Sexually
A survey of anthropological literature. - [2008] International Guide to Literature on Masculinity
A bibliography of scholarly publications dealing with masculinity. International in scope, it lists citations by world region, selected nations, selected American ethnic minorities and two world religions (Christianity, Judaism). It also includes one historical section on the Greco-Roman World. An indispensable aid for navigating a way through the huge and ever-expanding field of masculinity studies. - [2008] The Men’s Directory - A World Directory of Research & Resources
The directory seeks to cover all research areas specific and dedicated to boys, men and masculinities. A very useful resource. - [2014] “Paraphilia”: Acultural or Anti-Anthropological?
In: Sexual-Offender Treatment, 2
- [2002-2005] Growing Up Sexually
- Journals and Magazines
- Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality (CJHS)
A peer-reviewed, scholarly journal focusing on the medical, psychological, social, and educational aspects of human sexuality. It is the official journal of the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECAN) - Culture, Health & Sexuality (CHS)
A peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes multi-disciplinary articles analyzing culture and health, health beliefs and systems, social structures and divisions, and the implications of these for sexual health, and individual, collective, and community wellbeing. It is the official journal of the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS). - International Journal of Sexual Health (IJSH)
A peer-reviewed academic journal that covers research on sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being. It is the official journal of the World Association for Sexual Health (WASH). - Journal of Sex Research (JSR)
A peer-reviewed academic journal covering the study of human sexuality and the field of sexology in general. It stimulates research and promote an interdisciplinary understanding of the diverse topics in contemporary sexual science. Published on behalf of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS). - Journal of Sexual Aggression (JSA)
A peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles about research findings and the development of theory, policy, and practice regarding sexual aggression in all its forms. The scope of the journal extends to the expression of sexual aggression across childhood and adulthood, with regard to abusers, victims, and survivors, irrespective of gender, culture, and sexual preference. Published on behalf of the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA). - Journal of the History of Sexuality (JHS)
Illuminates the history of sexuality in all its expressions, recognizing various differences of class, culture, gender, race, and sexual orientation. Spanning geographic and temporal boundaries, JHS provides a forum for historical, critical, and theoretical research in this field. Its cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary character brings together original articles and critical reviews from historians, social scientists, and humanities scholars worldwide. - Sex Roles
An interdisciplinary behavioral science journal offering a feminist perspective. It publishes original research reports and review articles that illuminate the underlying processes and consequences of gender role socialization, gendered perceptions and behaviors, and gender stereotypes. The range of topics is broad: gender role socialization, gendered perceptions and behaviors, gender stereotypes, body image, violence against women, gender issues in employment and work environments, sexual orientation and identity, and methodological issues in gender research. - Sexología y Sociedad (SYS)
Published by the Cuban Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (CENESEX). - Sexologies - Revue Européenne de Santé Sexuelle / European Journal of Sexual Health
Sexologies publishes original, synthetic articles on human sexuality, its dysfunctions and its management. It offers panel of information to all health professionals working in the field of sexuality: anatomophysiological and basic research; psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioural and relational evaluations of sexual difficulties; epidemiological, sociological, forensic data; information on new sexoactive molecules; research on sexual physiology, reports on specialized congresses; press and books reviews; ethical aspects; calendar of major events of sexology around the world. Sexologies is the official organ of expression of the European Federation of Sexology (EFS). - Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment (SA)
A peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles about the clinical and theoretical aspects of sexual abuse, including its etiology, consequences, prevention, treatment, and management strategies. Published on behalf of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). SA is a forum for the latest original research and scholarly reviews on both clinical and theoretical aspects of sexual abuse. The in-depth studies provide essential data for those working in both clinical and academic environments. - Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (SAC) - The Journal of Treatment and Prevention
A peer-reviewed, academic journal that provides a scholarly forum on issues in sexual addiction. It is an official journal of the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH). Sexual addiction and compulsivity is an enormously complex problem that requires a multidisciplinary approach from psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, family therapists, pastoral counselors, and law enforcement personnel. - Sexualities
A bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the field of gender studies. The journal publishes a broad, interdisciplinary perspective covering the whole of the social sciences, cultural history, cultural anthropology and social geography, as well as feminism, gender studies, cultural studies and lesbian and gay studies. - Sexuality Research and Social Policy (SRSP)
A peer-reviewed academic journal and an official journal of the National Center for Research of Generder and Sexuality (CREGS). The journal covers research on human sexuality, including theoretical and methodological discussions about the implications of findings for policies regarding sexual health, sex education, and sexual rights in diverse communities.
- Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality (CJHS)
- Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
Promoting interdisciplinary research and scholarship in the fields of human sexuality, gender, and reproduction. The mission is to advance sexual health and knowledge worldwide. - Kon, Igor S. - Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Academy of Sciences, Moscow
- [2001] Sexual Culture and Politics in Contemporary Russia
A paper presented at the International Scocial Science Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatie (June 12-16, 2001).
As a consequence of recent changes in adolescent sexual behavior, similar to the Western sexual revolution of the 1960s but compounded by the breakdown of state medical services and the general criminalization of the country, some dangerous trends now exist in Russian sexual life – including the spread of STDs and HIV. The only reasonable answer to this challenge is sex education. But since 1997 all efforts in this direction have been blocked by a powerful anti-sexual crusade, organized by Russian Communist Party and the Russian Orthodox Church, and supported by “Pro Life”. Its main targets are sex education, women’s reproductive rights and freedom of sexuality-related information. The campaign is openly nationalistic, xenophobic, homophobic and anti-semitic. And it has disastrous public health consequences. - [2008] Sex Education and HIV Prevention in France
- [2001] Sexual Culture and Politics in Contemporary Russia
- Kotb, Heba G.
- [2004] Sexuality in Islam
- [2007] Egypt’s ‘Dr. Ruth’: Let’s talk sex in the Arab world by Aneesh Raman
In: CNN, 25.4.2007. - [2007] Dr Heba Kotb [15:31] - Interview by Anand Naidoo
In: Aljazeera, 10.5.2007 - [2008] An Islamic Answer to Dr. Ruth by Amany Radwan
In: Time, 22.2.2008.
- Lalo, Alexei / Schitov, Nikolai [2001]
Sexualities in Belarus: Some Major Patterns of Sexual Behavior in Society and Their Cultural Background
Paper presented at the International Social Science Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia (June 12-16, 2001).
The authors consider the current status of the issue of sexualities in Belarus (and to a considerable extent in Russia as well) from both a sociological and cultural perspective. - Lemmer, Johann
- [2005] Introduction to Sexology ...between and beyond the poles...
- [2005] Identity & Sexual Identity - First Edition
- Lewandowski, Herbert
- [1965-1984] History of Sexuology
- Pacific Center for Sex and Society (PCSS)
PCSS is primarily concerned with sexual development and other issues of sex that are related to social issues. It has done research on and published on such topics as abortion, family planning, HIV/AIDS, homosexuality, intersexuality, pornography, same-sex marriage, transsexuality and sex education. A wide range of published papers is archived on this site. The center is directed by Milton Diamond, and is located within the University of Hawai‘i. - Planned Parenthood
This is the site of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. It provides information on women’s health, birth control, abortion, sexually transmitted infections, pro-choice advocacy. The site includes guides for parents, teen issues, and a structured list of links. - Rutgers - Kenniscentrum Seksualiteit
The Dutch Expert Centre on Sexuality, dedicates itself to promoting sexual and reproductive health, both in the Netherlands and in other countries. It contributes to the improvement of education, prevention, counselling and policy by gathering and disseminating knowledge. Rutgers Nisso Groep stands for equal sexual treatment, the protection and improvement of sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as emancipation of special groups. You can search the literature on human sexuality and relationships in a large database. Also a wide coverage of the literature on the epidemiological, social and psychosocial aspects of HIV and AIDS. - Reiss, Ira
- [1960] Premarital Sexual Standards in America
A sociological investigation of the relative social and cultural integration of American sexual standards.
London/New York : Free Press of Glencou - [1967] The Social Context of Premarital Sexual Permissiveness
The first systematic sociological study of a national probability sample in the area of premarital sexual attitudes.
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. - [1986] Journey into Sexuality - An Exploratory Voyage
Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall. - [1990] An End to Shame - Shaping our Next Sexual Revolution (with Harriet M. Reiss)
Buffalo (NY): Prometheus Books.
- [1960] Premarital Sexual Standards in America
- Safer Sex
In the age of AIDS, everyone should know about safer sex. HIV can infect anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, sex, age, race, or economic class. On these pages you can learn how to protect yourself and your partner. - Seawright, Caroline
- [2013] Ancient Egypy Sexuality: Life in Ancient Egypt
Sexuality in ancient Egypt was open, untainted by guilt. Sex was an important part of life — from birth to death and rebirth. Singles and married couples made love. The gods themselves were earthy enough to copulate. The Egyptians even believed in sex in the afterlife. Sex was not taboo. Even the Egyptian religion was filled with tales of adultery, incest, homosexuality and masturbation. Masculinity and femininity itself were strongly linked with the ability to conceive and bear children.
- [2013] Ancient Egypy Sexuality: Life in Ancient Egypt
- Seksverslaving
Prevention and information on sex addiction presented by the Dutch Society for Sexual Reform (NVSH). - Sex Terms - Sex,etc
What would you like to learn about: Sex, LGBTQ, Relationships, Birth Control, Pregnancy, Abuse & Violence, etc. - Sexual Abuse Treatment
An extensive amount of information on sexual offenders and abuse. It includes referral list to specialized therapists, paraphilias, theories, newsletter, victimology, and information on the new workbook. Editor: Matthew Rosenberg. - Sexual Harrassment (SocioSite)
- Sexual Health infoCenter
A very comprehensive source of sexual health information on the Internet. Each week a fresh article on a special aspect of sexuality, and a sex tip of the week. But the main course are dozen categories of information you can click on. Categories such as a “Guide to Better Sex” (sexual positions, anal sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, love and toys), “Sex and Aging” (natural changes in women and men, overcoming harmful attitudes, and tips for better sex in later life), “Guide to Safer Sex” (condoms, abstinence, unwanted pregnancy, etc.), and “Sexual Problems” (loss of desire, impotence, premature and delayed ejaculation, painful intercourse). Based in New Delhi, India. - Sexual Health Lab - Queens University, USA
A confidential, non-judgemental information and referral service dealing in all areas of safer sex, birth control, pregnancy options including abortion referral, and general sexual health information. - Sexual Health Network
Provides access to sexuality information, and other sexuality resources for people with diability, illness, or other health related problems. The Network also provides education and training for health professionals. - Sexuality Education in Europe [2006]
This reference guide to policies and practices of sexuality education is the result of the SAFE project that was supported by the European Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protecten. The SAFE project is an European partnership to promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people. - Schiftan, Diana [2006] - University of Bern, Switzerland
Sexual Behavior in German-Speaking Switzerland [German Version]
A survey on the sexual behavior of the German speaking people of Switzerland. - Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
An international organization dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about sexuality. It is the oldest organization of professionals interested in the study of sexuality in the United States. SSSS brings together an interdisciplinary group of professionals who believe in the importance of both the production of quality research and the clinical, educational, and social applications of research related to all aspects of sexuality. - Society for Human Sexuality
A social and educational organization whose purpose is to promote understanding and appreciation for the many forms of adult intimate relationships and consensual sexual expression. It’s a pro pleasure organization: “we find sexual pleasure to be enjoyable and legitimate in its own right, and support all sex education efforts that we consider to be both pleasure-positive and honest.” The site contains guides and reviews (on books and resources, sex toys and erotica, video rentals and matchmaking services), a chance to learn more on topics such as safer sex, erotic massage, fliting, G-Spot Play, vibrators, penetration and ‘putting it all together’, a mailing list and search facilities.= - UNESCO: Sexuality Education
- Vatasyayana
Kama Sutra Positions
From The Love Teachings of Kama Sutra you can learn almost everything you always wanted to know about positions (lying down, sitting, standing, rear-entry), oral pleasures (fellatio and cunnilingus), role reversal, love potions and sex aids. - Wikipedia
- World Association for Sexual Health (WASH)
An international umbrella organization representing sexological societies and sexologists worldwide.- [2008] Sexual Health for the Millennium. A Declaration and Technical Document
The basic message is that the promotion of sexual health is central to the attainment of wellness and well-being and the achievement of sustainable development. Individuals and communities who experience sexual well-being are better positioned to contribute to the eradication of individual and societal poverty. By nurturing individual and social responsibility and equitable social interactions, promotion of sexual health fosters quality of life and the realization of peace. - [2014] Declaration of sexual rights
The WAS recognizes that sexual rights are essential for the achievement of the highest attainable sexual health. It states that sexual rights are grounded in universal human rights that are already recognized in international and regional human rights documents, in national constitutions and laws, human rights standards and principles, and in scientific knowledge related to human sexuality and sexual health.
- [2008] Sexual Health for the Millennium. A Declaration and Technical Document
- World Health Organization: Sexual Health
- [2010] Developing sexual health programmes. A framework for action
The framework points to the importance of programming for sexual health across the five domains of laws, policies and human rights; education; society and culture; economics; and health. Using a multisectoral rights-based approach, it outlines elements of a programme-based response, together with key entry points for the promotion of sexual health by providing information and support for both broadbased and targeted community education initiatives. - [2012] A multi-country study on gender, sexuality and vaginal practices
This study identifies and documents vaginal practices in four countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Mozambique and South Africa), to seek an understanding of their motivations and to explore the role they play in women’s health, sexuality and sense of wellbeing. The study also sought women’s report of adverse effects associated with specific practices and products. - [2005] Defininig sexual health
According to the current working definition, sexual health is “a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled.”
- [2010] Developing sexual health programmes. A framework for action
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