
Online Courses




  • Conflict Management and Social Systems - Instructor: Guy Burgess (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA).
    To view the course materials you may login as "guest" with password of "guest". Here you can learn the core technique of interest based bargaining, and how to deal with difficult and intractable conflicts (conflict resolution techniques).


  • BS Criminal Justice(BS) - Kaplan University
    The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in criminal justice and a broad liberal arts education to help prepare you for a new career or advancement within the field.*
  • Contemporary Debates in Criminology - Eamonn Carrabine (University of Essex, UK)
  • Crime, Communicatoin and Culture - Eamonn Carrabine & Paul Iganski (University of Essex, UK)
  • Criminological Imagination - Paul Iganski & Eamonn Carrabine (University of Essex, UK)
  • Criminological Theory - John Hamlin (University of Minnesota Duluth, USA)
    Our conception of the crime “problem” and our response to crime, particularly in terms of policy and programs, is predicated on a number of basic assumptions. These assumptions are ordered in patterned ways referred to as theories. Theories in turn provide links between a variety of variables and crime/delinquency/deviance. We will be exploring a number of these theoretical frameworks in varying degrees of detail.
  • Criminological Research Methods - Paul Iganski (University of Essex, UK)
  • Introduction to crime, law & society - Maggy Lee (University of Essex, UK)
  • Social and Criminal Justice (BA) - Ashford University
    An online Bachelor of Arts in Social and Criminal Justice degree from Ashford University enhances your understanding of the criminal justice system and the impact social issues have on maintaining a just society. Investigate both the social and legal sides of criminal justice, from forensics and psychology to crime prevention and terrorism.
  • Sociology of Crime and Control - Nigel South (University of Essex, UK)


  • Computers and Human Values - Roger B. Blumberg (Brown University, USA)
    Technological innovation can transform the lives and practices of individuals, organizations and institutions. But it also transforms the accepted language for thinking about and evaluating those lives and practices. The course raises some fundamental questions about the future of societies and human beings as well.
  • Computers in Language and Rhetoric - Samantha Blackmon (Purdue University)
    Trying to apply our understanding of the social construction of cultural difference (in termes of race and ethnicity, gender, sexual preferecens, and social class) to the arenas of new media, cyberspace, and cyberculture.
  • Critical Netcultures - Trebor Scholz (SUNY-Buffalo, USA)
  • Cybercultures & Digital Writing - Kevin Eric Depew (Old Dominiun University, USA)
    This course examines the culture that informs composition practices. To better understand this culture one wants to examine how the metaphors and myths about technology inform the ways that individuals both produce and read digitally produced texts. Likewise, they want to examine how these metaphors and myths influence how writers learn to produce these texts. As we study and question the metaphors and myths about technology, it is also important to understand how to learn what digital writers are actually doing with these composition technologies.
  • Cyborgography - Jeff Rice (University of Detroit Mercy, USA)
  • Digital Culture - Matthew Kirschenbaum (University of Maryland)
  • Digital Texts and Print Experiments. Cultural Production in the Information Age - Daniel Filfillan (Arizona State University, USA)
  • Information and Culture in a Global Context - Nadia Caidi (University of Toronto, Canada)
    The purpose of this course is to examine the trend, issues, and policies affecting transborder data flow and the development of information agencies around te world.
  • Information in the Digital Age - Virginia Montecino & Lesley Smith (George Mason University, USA)
    A course that examines how purpose and function of digital information relate to the form and how digital material can attract or hinder audience receptiveness.
  • Interactive Multimedia - Aaron Delwiche (Trinity University, USA)
    An exploration of the both theory and practice of new media that concentrates on multimedia design, but also investigates the sociological, political and economic dimensions of the media landscape.
  • Internet Literacy - Virginia Montecino (George Mason University, USA)
    This course concentrates major aspects of internet literacy: web publishing, evaluating web sources, copyright, investigating virtual communities and online communication. Students will learn some basic html, web design principles and use som web publishing software.
  • Internet Sociologist - Intute: Virtual Training Suite
    Suzanne Barbalet (Istute Sociology Editor. Dept. of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK) is your guide in a tutorial that introduces into the sociology on the internet. A must for starters.
  • Internet Studies - Derek Stanovsky (Appalachian State University, USA)
    An interdisciplinary introduction to cyberculture and internet studies.
  • Virtual Culture and Communication - Brian Ott (Colorado State University, USA)
    This course introduces students to the principle issues, concepts, and theories involved in computer-mediated communication (CMC) and promotes technological proficiency and practical skills development in the field of CMC.

Death and Dying

  • Death and Dying - Michael Kearl (Trinity University, Texas, USA)
    A Guide to Sociological Thanatology.



  • Gender and Computerization - Susan Hering (Indiana University, USA)
    An exploration of the history and mechanism of -and alternatives to- traditional male control of computer technology. The course a focusses on questions such as: how do computer come to be associated with masculine interests and aptitudes? what might computers and computer networks look like if they were designed by women?
  • Sociology of Gender - Barbara Mori (California Polytechnic State University, USA)
    This course focuses on the understanding of the way gender is defined in American culture and the impact of these definitions on the lives of men and women within American society. The course explores various areas in which gender plays a role in structuring the way men and women interact, constrains or expands the opportunities available to people, comes to define the individual to him- or herself and is tranfered to the next generation via language, childhood socialization and education.
  • Gender and Trade Unions - Carl Cuneo (McMaster Univ., Ontario, Canada).
  • Topics in Sex and Gender - Eleanor A. Hubbard (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)

Inequality - Stratification - Social Classes

Introduction to Sociology

  • Internet Sociologist
    A free "teach yourself" tutorial teaching Internet skills for sociologists. Ideal for independent learning or for use by teachers and lecturers in their sociology courses. It takes around an hour to do and has quizzes and interactive exercises to lighten the learning experience. Published by SOSIG, the UK's Social Science Information Gateway, this is just one of over 40 tutorials within the RDN Virtual Training Suite.
  • Introduction to Sociology - Robert E. Wood (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
    The course is designed not just to teach you some of the major findings of sociology, but to help you master fundamental sociological skills, including both the ability to think with a "sociological imagination" and to understand the basics of computer-based data analysis--skills which have broad applicability in a range of educational and work settings.
  • Introduction to Sociology - Richard H. Anderson (Univ. of Colorado at Denver, USA).
    A computer-based course in sociology; lecture notes; complete text online plus course protocols.
  • Sociology and the Modern World - James Ormrod (Essex University, UK)
    In this undergraduate course you can learn how sociology has grown as an academic discipline, understand how sociology have attemted to study society, what some key sociologists have to say about 'modernity' and the 'modern world', and to telate some of this classical theory to contemporary issues and problems (such as McDonalds, gender and globalization).
  • Sociology for the Twenty-First Century - Tim Curry, Robert Jiobu and Kent Schwirian
    An online study guide designed to accompany the text, Sociology for the Twenty-First Century. The site is enhanced with online quizzes (with instant scoring and coaching), writing activities (to improve your critical thinking and dynamic web links as sources of supplemental information.
  • SociologyOnline - Lynn Nelson
    SociologyOnline combines an introductory textbook, "Sociology in Global Perspective", with web based tools for active learning. The work's underlying rationale is that sociological insight is vital to understanding today's global developments. By including online resources for student research and class interaction, SociologyOnline aims to bring the power of information technology to social analysis in a format that complements a broad variety of instructional approaches.
  • Virtual Explorations - Introducing Sociological Resources on the World Wide Web - Robert E. Wood (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
    In eighteen Virtual Explorations your are introduced to some of the exciting resources for sociology on the world wide web. The websites that you will visit represent a broad range: official U.S. and U.N. sites, academic sites, advocacy sites, personal sites, and others. Some virtual tours designed to introduce students to some of the resources for sociology on the WWW. At each website, students will be asked to perform some sort of activity. Students are frequently asked to evaluate or analyze the information presented. The tours include a high degree of interactivity and can be used for online assignments.

Labor Sociology

Methods and Statistics

  • Knowledge Base - Bill Trochim.
    An online textbook on applied social research methods that covers everything you want to know about defining a research question, sampling, measurement, research design and data analysis. You can add a notation to the actual Web page you were just viewing, and join Bill in becoming a Web author and add information to the Knowledge Base, including URLs to other interesting sites. Trochim's Center for Social Research Methods is a great resource for every social scientists. It contains an online statistical advisor, several full-length published and unpublished research papers, references to other useful web sites on social research and research methods, and a general bulletin board for anyone interested in discussing research methods.
  • Chance: A Statistical Literacy Course
    Introductory probability statistics course developed cooperatively by Middlebury, Grinnell, Spelman, University of California San Diego, University of Minnesota and Dartmouth. The aim of CHANCE is to make students more informed, and critical, readers of current news that uses probability and statistics as reported in daily newspapers and current journals and magazines.
  • Graphical Data Analysis - Jeff Banfield (Montana State University, USA).
  • Research Methods - David Hachen (University of Notre Dame, USA)
  • Social Statistics - Robin Rice & Anne Donnelly (University of Edinburgh)
    A "teach yourself" tutorial on internet information skills for social statistics. This tutorial is part of the Virtual Training Suite - a set of Internet tutorials written and reviewed by qualified lecturers and librarians from across the UK.



  • Social Improvement - John E. Farley and Robert Blain (Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, USA)

Political Economy


  • The Citizen in the Information Age - Tammy Sugarman (University Library, Georgia State University)
    The Internet and World Wide Web are influencing nearly all aspects of personal and public life. They are changing interpersonal and public communication, commerce, civic activity, and how people participate in society. What are the implications of this change for those who do not have access to the Internet, or do not have as convenient or unrestricted access as do others? What impact has the Internet had on the questions of censorship, privacy, intellectual property, authority, and ethics? Knowledge about and a degree of mastery over these and other information-related issues are essential for students to become educated information-age citizens. This class will touch on each of these issues through readings, lectures, and discussion. The class will provide students the opportunity to discuss and debate these topics, and to explore what it means to be a participant in, and help shape, the Information Age. An individual research paper will allow students to select and explore an information-related issue in-depth.
  • Communication & Information Technologies and Politics - Kirsten Foot (University of Washington, USA)
    Pundits and presidential candidates have declared the advent of 'politics online'. Core concepts of political communication and deliberative democracy theories are use to examine the emerging role of ICTs in cadidate and issue campainging, online vorint, protest and advocacy movements, law-making and electronic governance.
  • Cyberactivism and Cyberliberties - Martha McCaughey (Appalachian State University, USA)
    This course explores the ways in which the internet and other computer technologies have affected people's civil liberties, identities, and senses of democracy and community.
  • Media and Democracy - Rob Frieden (Communications, Penn State University, USA)
    In most nations citizens support the view that the media qualifies for special rights and protection from most forms of government censorship and regulation. Press freedom results from the longstanding view that the media help us find the truth often by holding government representatives and others accountable for crimes, corruption and ineptitude, etc. Media institutions have come under close scrutiny whether they deserve special status particularly in light of allegations of bias and the proliferation of new media options. An increasingly loud call for limitations on media autonomy and freedoms has arisen based on heightened concerns about national security and skepticism whether incumbent media outlets enhance democratic governance and civic participation. World Wide Web sites, blogs, webcasts and other outlets vie for attention and impact in a marketplace of ideas that consolidates, or diversifies depending on your perspective. This course provides students an opportunity to develop a better sense of the media’s role in democracies and other governance systems. The goal is to achieve greater understanding about the media’s multifaceted role as an integral part of democratic society, but also as a profit seeking business. The course examines the traditional literature with an eye toward assessing what fundamental freedoms and roles persist based on current philosophical and policy challenges.
  • New Media Law & Policy - Christian Sandvig (University of Illinois at Urnana-Champaign)
    An examination of the rol of the state and public policy in the regulation of communication systems. It attempts to provide a multidisciplinary context for the policy problems related to media convergence.
  • Politics of the Internet - Barrett L. McCormick (Marquette University, USA)
    The central question of this cours if if or how the internet changes the politics of the world in which we live. It reviews the utopian expectations that some held at the birth of the internet and the cynical expectations of their detractors.
  • South-African Politics - Allison Drew, University of York, UK
    A cours that introduces students to South African politics and political history using internet-based resources. Students can develop research skill using the web through simple web-based exercises.


  • Arizona State University's Online Religious Studies Degree 
    Explore the diversity of many religions diverse meanings, on a global and personal scale.
  • Religion 101: Intro to World Religions - Study.com
    For students who would like to survey the history and belief systems of the world's major religions. Instruction is delivered via free lesson transcripts. Registered members can also access entertaining video lessons and self-assessment quizzes for a small fee. These are the chapters in this course:
    1. Bygone Religions
      Explore primal religions, mystery cults, Greek myths and Roman religious practices as well as the definition and origins of religion.
    2. World Religion: Hinduism
      Watch online religion video lessons and learn about the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, Hindu castes, and more. The engaging animations and graphics in these lessons bring key Hinduism concepts to life.
    3. World Religion: Buddhism
      Learn about the birth of Buddhism and the religion's main tenets, leaders and branches. Take self-assessment quizzes to check your knowledge of the subject matter.
    4. World Religion: Confucianism
      Learn about the teachings of Master Kung, Mencius, Hsun-tzu and more. Take advantage of the short quizzes that accompany each lesson to track your progress.
    5. World Religion: Taoism
      Explore the the origins and doctrines of Taoism as well as its sacred texts and its influence in the world. Learn about the First Principle, the yin-yang classification and the wu wei concept.
    6. World Religion: Islam
      Study the origin and spread of Islam and identify the scientific accomplishments during the Islamic Golden Age. Instructors also discuss the five pillars of the Islamic faith.
    7. World Religion: Judaism
      Learn about Jewish belief systems and laws. The history of Jewish denominations, rituals and holidays is also discussed.
    8. World Religion: Christianity
      Find out what's in the Gospels and survey the history of the early church, the Crusades and the Reformation.

Social Psychology

Social Work and Social Security

  • Internet Social Worker
    A "teach yourself" tutorial teaching internet skills for social workers. Written by Angela Upton, National Institute for Social Work, London.
  • Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work - Steven Hick (Carlton University, Canada) 
    Online course to introduce students to social work and social welfare. The goal is to become familiar with the major concepts in social welfare, and begin to do your own analysis of social welfare and social work issues.

Technology and Social Change

  • Computers in Society (CS) - Chris Kimble (University of York, UK)
  • Technology and Social Change - Brian Campbell (Mount Allision University, Canada).
    A course in the role of technology in social change. The central question is to what extent and in what circumstances, technology influences society, and society influences technology.
  • Think-Know Tools - Howard Rheingold (Dept. of Communication, Stanford University, USA)
    Think-know Tools dives into both the theoretical-historical background of intellect augmentation and the practical skills of personal knowledge management. Now that we have access to powerful mind-amplifying devices and self-evolving collective intelligence networks, we can benefit ourselves and improve the commons by learning how knowledge technologies work and how to work them.


  • Analyse du Social - Suzanne Garon (University of Sherbrooke, Canada)
    A French course on basic sociological concepts and key figures (Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Mead).
  • Social Theory and Environment - Mike Gismondi (Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada) 
    The primary objective of this reading course is to introduce students to the works of the founders of sociology and the ideas of early social thinkers. The course critically assesses the basic concepts and styles of sociological reasoning.
  • Sociological Theory - John Hamlin (University of Minnesota Duluth, USA) 
    Contemporary social analysis emerged from the pioneering works of the founders of sociology. Many of the theoretical concepts and most of the general conceptualizing concerning the social world can be traced to the classical theorists. This course delves into the classics in the sociological tradition.
  • Sociology in Action - David Hachen (University of Notre Dame, USA)
    This course introduces you to sociology by helping you to develop a useful skill: the ability to analyze situations sociologically. As with all skills, the best way to develop them is through practice. The “practice sessions” are class sessions in which decision cases, short problemcentered narratives about real events will be discussed.
  • Theory: Dead Sociologists' Society - Larry Ridener (Radford University, USA)
    A list of the various theorists, some biographical information and a summary of their work. You'll find information on Comte, Marx, Spencer, Durkheim, Simmel, Weber, Veblen, Cooley, Mead, Park, Parto, Sorokin, Thomas, and others.


  • A Sociology of Time and Social Rhythms - Michael Kearl (Trinity University, Texas, USA). 
    A study of time and the various timetables and rhythms that shape our behaviors and thoughts. The issues are: the different meanings we give to each day of the week & months of the year; the "quality time" that working parents worry about sharing enough of with their children; the pressure we feel to be "on time" in the face of dreaded deadlines; the various social clocks whose tickings seem to govern our lives, such as the ages at which we believe we should be married, have children, or be "peaking" in our careers; the emergence of "flexitime" and four-day weeks in the world of work; and the types of time that religions impose to fortify the moralities of their members, such as eternity in heavens or hells, purgatory time, or escaping the cycle of death and rebirth.

Urban Studies

Trade Unions

  • Gender and Trade Unions - Carl Cuneo (McMaster, Canada)
    The purpose of this course is to examine theoretical propositions and relevant empirical data concerning the gender of trade unions.

Web Geography

  • Economic & Business Geography - Günter Krumme (University of Washington, Seattle)
  • Interpreting Cyberspace: Explorations in Virtual Geography - Susan Garfinkel (Department of English, University of Pennsylvania).
    This course examines what happens to the relationship of subject, author, text and the world in this context of computer mediation, in this "consensual hallucination" where information becomes architecture and words stand in for bodies. What are the larger narratives that work to shape collective perceptions of e-space? What of the blurring of author, reader and genre that virtual environments allow? What might it mean to inhabit an electronic form?
  • Geography of the Information Economy and the Role of the Internet - Günter Krumme (Department of Geography, University of Washington). 
    Undergraduate Workshop in Economic & Business Geography.
  • Geography of and on the Internet - David J. Robinson (Department of Geography, Syracuse University).

Web Sociology - Internet - Informatics   -  Resources on Web Sociology

  • Communication Processes and Technologies - A. Trevor Thrall (Communication Studies, University of Michigan, USA)
    A course aims to help students gain some perspective on the influences that the rapid transition to the Digital Age will have on almost every aspect of society. It concentrates on the impacts that emerging communication technologies have on the essentials of the human condition: on sense of identity as individuals, on how we form and regulate our communities (on and offline), and on how our nation and world function politically, socially, economically.
  • Community Practice & Digital Social Change - Doug Schuler & Helena Meyer-Knapp (Evergreen State College)
  • Cyberspace, Hypertext, and Critical Theory - George P. Landow (English and Art History, Brown University, USA)
  • Evaluating Web Pages 
    A strategy for teaching critical evaluation skills for World Wide Web Resources. The need for evaluating Internet resources, and particularly for evaluating World Wide Web resources, is increasing as more and more people are using the WWW for research. This course provides materials to assist in teaching how to evaluate the informational content of Web resources. It focuses on teaching how to develop critical thinking skills which can be applied to evaluating information found on Web pages. It demonstrate how traditionional evaluation techniques can be adapted to the evaluation of Web pages by means of a Power Point Slide Presentation and illustrates the application of evaluation techniques to Web pages using actual web pages as exemples. Includes a very useful bibliography for Web evaluation techniques. Created by: Jan Alexander and Marsha Tate (Reference Librarians at the Wolfgram Memorial Library of Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania).
  • Information Society - David Hachen (University of Notre Dame, USA)
    Please fill in the blanks of this listing.
  • Internet for beginners: Guides, Courses and Tutorials (SocioSite)
  • Internet als Faktor des sozialen und kulturellen Wandels - Hans Geser (Sociology Department, University of Zürich, Austria)
  • Internet Studies - Derek Stanovsky (Interdisciplinary Studies, Appalachian State University)
    An introduction to cyberculture and Internet Studies. As the Internet continues to insinuate itself into our daily lives, it is changing both our culture and ourselves. This course will look at some of those changes through an interdisciplinary investigation of some of the social, political, cultural, psychological, economic, and legal implications of the Internet. It also provides an opportunity to hone your critical reading skills in the context of the Internet as well as learn some of the technical and editorial skills needed to publish your own blogs and web pages.
  • Literature and the Culture of Cyberspace - Kristin Scott (English, Columbia College Chicago)
  • New Media and Society - New Media and Society Tarleton Gillespie (Communication, Cornell University, USA)
  • Peculiarities of Cyberspace - Albert Benschop (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands). 
    Course material on the historical-sociological, economic-cultural and political aspects of the Internet. Includes themes like the hypertext revolution, distance education, virtual libraries, cybersex, death in cyberspace. 
    Elaborated Dutch version: Eigenaardigheden van Cyberspace.
  • Social Informatics - Thomas Haigh (Indiana University, USA)
    An introduction in the social and behavioral foundations of informatics. Theoretical approaches to how technology is used from psychological and sociotechnical perspectives. The course demonstrates how current and emerging technologies (games, e-mail, electronic commerce) affect our daily lives, social relations, work, and leisure time.
  • Sociology and the Internet - Robert Wood (State Univ. of New Jersey, USA)
    A course designed to increase student skills in using the resources of the Internet to do sociology and to explore the emerging field of the sociology of cyberspace. The exersises are designed to increase internet-relatted skills.
  • Sociology of Internet / Cyberspace - Carl Cuneo (McMaster, Ontario, Canada).
  • Sociology of Cyberspace - (Bradley University)
    An interdisciplinary collaborative project with students and faculty from a variety of disciplines. The course examines the contemporary revolution in human interaction via computers. Using postmodern and media theories, They discuss the social construction of the virtual world and new virtual experience of cyberspace. Topics include: new concepts of space, time and order; electronic subjectivity and anonymity; new representations of gender, race and class; emergence of new languages of expression; and the revolutionary impact of hypertext and multimedia technologies on human thinking and learning,
  • Sociology of Cyberspace (UCLA) - Marc A. Smith 
    Center for the Study of Online Community. UCLA-Syllabus. A course about how information technologies effect people. It examines what happens when we get "wired" by going and looking ourselves at what people do on the net.
  • Sociologies of Cyberspace - Ellis Godard (Cal State Northridge)
  • The Internet, Society, and Social Change - Carl Cuneo (McMaster Univ., Ontario, Canada). 
    Course on the consequences of the information technology revolution doe social inequality, labor market, education, communication, and politics.
  • Toward a Literacy of Cooperation: Introduction to Cooperation Theory - Howard Rheingold (Dept. of Communication, Stanford University, USA)
    A six week course using asynchronous forums, blogs, wikis, mindmaps, social bookmarks, synchronous audio, video, chat, and Twitter to introduce the fundamentals of an interdisciplinary study of cooperation: social dilemmas, institutions for collective action, the commons, evolution of cooperation, technologies of cooperation, and cooperative arrangements in biology from cells to ecosystems.
  • Virtual Communities on the Internet - David Albert (Harvard Extension School)
    A tour of selected virtual communities, a historical overview of the virtual community, and a chance to get involveld personally with text-based Multi-User Simulation Environments (MUSEs) and graphics-based virtual worlds.
  • Web Sociology and Social Informatics - Ingar Roggen (Norway)
    Social informatics is a modern study of information technology from the point of view of the social and cultural sciences, where Web sociology is a special domain. The course adapts a holistic perspective on social informatics and Web sociology on the premises of Gestalt philosophy, Gestalt psychology and Gestalt logic. From the point of view of Gestalt theory, the frontiers between the cultural, social and natural sciences are open and permit the crossing of professional barriers.
  • Reference

Curricula Resources


General Directories

  • CollegeNavigator - National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
    Find an American college of your choice.
  • EduTech
    Online resoure for education and technologies. A listing of a wide variety of resources for educational technology, includes links to topics, announcements, educational virtual reality, courseware, software, and institutions and people. It offers sites of the month, an alphabetical search for themes, a query search.
  • Educational Courseware
    The Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MSGE) wants to foster awareness in online education with an emphasis of the use on the www.
  • Edutopia - George Lucas Educational Foundation
    A nonprofit foundation that documents and disseminates models of the most innovative practices in K-12 schools. In the newsletter Edutopia you will find inspiring stories from schools moving into the Digital Age.
  • Essex Sociology Online (ESO)
    All online courses of the sociology department of the University of Essex, UK. ESO provides sociology students with access to web-based course materials, generic skills resources, web links, as well as forums for sociological discussion.
  • GNA: Globewide Network Academy
    An educational & research organization dedicated to providing a competitive marketplace online for distance learning courses and programs. Their mission is to create a comprehensive source of information, a central listing of online courses and degree programs worldwide. The goal is to create an fully accredited online university. The catalog of courses is only part of the spectrum of services they offer to the online education community. They also support a discussion forum for distance educators and maintain a help-wanted database to connect educational institutions, teachers, and technical support personnel. For distance education courses or programs, you can visit their online distance education catalog; click on 'society' and 'sociology', and you might find what your're looking for.
  • NewPromise.com
    Thousands of courses available via the internet, indexed by category and provider.
  • Plagiarism
    Plagiarism resources and checkers presented by an Australian online educator: Open Colleges.
  • socialstudies.org
    An information service for social studies educators from the National Council for the Social Studies. NCSS is the largest association in the USA devoted to social studies education.
  • Teaching History with Technology
    A free, biannual journal designed to help middle school and high school history and social studies teachers better integrate technology into their classrooms. It provides teachers with models that document how others have incorporated technology to enhance their students' learning experiences. It is hosted and sponsored by the Cary Academy in Cary, North Carolina, USA.
  • Teaching Sociology
    Teaching Resources and Materials for Social Scientists. A research tutorial for social scientists to develop their methodological skills and knowledge of data resources.
  • Two Worlds United
    Study abroad and student exchange programs for students and teachers who wish to travel or study an academic year, semester or summer abroad.
  • Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace
    Michael Kearl takes you on a trip through Sociology as it exists on the Internet. (Trinity University, Texas, USA)
  • World Lecture Hall - Sociology
    The World Lecture Hall (WLH) contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver class materials. For example, you will find course syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, class calendars, multimedia textbooks, etc.


  • CampusProgram.com
    University and College resources that help you decide what to study and find a job in a Canadian or American College or University.
  • Documentary Educational Resources (D.E.R., Inc.)
    Archive for films and videos on the fields of antropology/ethnography, sociology, and documentary.
  • Docurated
    Collaborative Learning Tools for Teachers and Educators.
  • DocuSeek
    A search site for independent documentary, social issue, and educational videos. Its purpose is to facilitate the search process of prpfessors, educators, and librarians looking for documentary films and videos, by allowing them to simultaneously search through over 18,000 titles. DacuSeek search results can be displayed according to grade level, length, filmmaker, and other specific characteristics.
  • Educatorlabs
    A growing archive of high quality reference points for educators and students. Teachers will find it a valuable resource for finding activities and information to aid in lesson planning, and students can browse it to learn more on a subject of interest.
  • Exams Unlimited
    Recent advances at the desktop level in computer technology encourage the development and use of computer programs for student use. The programs they offer, while intuitively oriented and easy to use, drive a database large enough to meet the needs of the entire course. The programs may be used by students in Telelearning courses, Distance Learning courses, Internet courses, students in conventional classroom environments, or by students pursuing independent study at this level.
  • Great Flying Chaos Learning Circus, The
    An interactive rich and informationally diverse approach to radical and transforming teaching exercises. Field assignments and classroom presentations which embody radical transforming sociological knowledge.
  • Goodcall Scholarships
    A consumer focused website that provides free scholarship listings for high school and college students with no personally identifiable information required. This means more money for school, and less SPAM in the email box.

Course Tools — ClassWare

  • 101 Free (or Free-to-Try) Online Collaborative Learning Tools for Teachers and Educators
    A collection of online tools and resources to power your lesson-planning and engage your students. All these 101 tools for collaborative learning are free to use, or at least free to try.
  • BlackBoard
    A free course web site service where instructors can create their own CourseSite with their own learning materials and students.
  • Electronic Reserve System (ERes) - Hunter College.
  • Flash
    Make your courses dynamic and create streaming interactive vector-based web animantions, graphics, buttons, and sounds. The Flash beta is a free dwonload, including examples and a tutorial.
  • First Class Client
    A software interface designet to allow you to communicate with other users (classmates, TA's, profs) electronically.
  • NiceNet's Internet Classroom Assistant
    Nicenet is really a nice net. It's a non-profit organization of Internet proseffionals who give their time to provide services to the Internet community - free for public use and without advertising. The Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA) is a sophisticated communication tool that brings www based conferencing, personal messaging, document sharing, scheduling and link/resource sharing to a variety of learning environments. The ICA was designed for post-secundary and secondary classrooms, distance learning and collaborative academic projects.
  • TestPilot
    Software package for the creation of tests and surveys for delivery and collection via a web server.
  • TopClass
    Software for web based training offering a combination of collaborative learning tools, content delivery and management tools as well as people management tools.
  • Using Computers in the Classroom - Lee Ann Hopper
  • WebCT
    A tool that facilitates the creation of sophisticated www-based educational environments. It provides an interface allowing the design of the presentation of the course, a set of educational tools to facilitate learning, communication and collaboration, and a set of administratigve tools to assist the instructur in the process of management and continuous improvement of the course. WebCT can be used to create entire online courses, and requires minimal technical expertise on the part of the developer of the course, and on the part of the student. WebCT was developed in the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia.

Video Lectures — Sociologists going live

  • Gladwell, Malcom [2004]
    Can we believe what people tell us?
    Gladwell takes the lessons of psychology and sociology and applies them to business in ways we’ve never thought of before. In this lecture he deep-dives into the world of office chair invention and soft drink taste tests to answer the question, “Can we believe what people tell us?” and “How stable are our own preferences?” His lecture is an illustration of his book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking [2005] in which he explains how the human subconscious interprets events or cues and how past experiences allow people to make informed decisions very rapidly.
  • Gladwell, Malcom [2007]
    Genius 2012: Stories from the Near Future
    Presented at the 2007 New Yorker Conference: “2012: Stories from the Near Future“. 
    Gladwell explaines the importance of stubbornness and collaboration in problem-solving, and how long it takes to master any challenge. Solving really complex problems requires a lot of hard working intelligent men/women, more than one genius person.
  • Heerikhuizen, Bart van (Assistant Sociology Professor, University of Amsterdam)
    De Fascinatie (The Fascination)
    Bart van Heerikhuizen explains his fascination for the sociological vocation (in Dutch)
  • Goudsblom, Johan [2008] (Emeritis sociology professor at the University of Amsterdam)
    De seizoenen komen terug: Sociologische beschouwingen over tijd (Sociological reflections on time)
    Goudblom conquered social figurations and fire — now he tries to conquer time (in Dutch).
    1 Hour 24 Minutes - Mar 6, 2008
  • Rosling, Hans [2006] (Professor of health at Sweden's Karolinska Institute)
    Myths about the developing world
    21 min - Feb 2006
    Hans Rosling debunks third-world myth with the best statistics your have ever seen. The so-called developing world is no longer worlds away from the west. In fact, most of the third world is on the same trajectory toward health and prosperity, and many countries are moving twice as fast as the west did. A presentation that tracks global health and poverty trends should be: boring. But in Rosling’s hands, data sings. Trends come to life. And the big picture — usually hazy at best — snaps into sharp focus. His presentations are grounded in solid statistics, illustrated by the visualization software he developed. The animations transform development statistics into moving bubbles and flowing curves that make global trends clear, intuitive and even playful. Rosling developed the breakthrough software behind his visualizations through his nonprofit Gapminder, founded with his son and daughter-in-law. The free software — which can be loaded with any data — was purchased by Google.
  • Barry Swartz [2006] (Sociology professor at Swarthmore College, USA) 
    The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less
    19 min - Sep 28, 2006
  • Sweeney, Julia [2007] 
    Letting go of God
    9 min - Mar 9, 2007
    Julia Sweeney, a former Roman Catholic has lost her faith in God, but tries to keep her sense of humor. Ok, she's not a sociologist, but she knows how to give a lecture on a critical subject.